本帖最后由 tangbohufa 于 2010-9-21 09:08 编辑
1.点基本设置---提交 。就变成这样了
Discuz! Database Error | The database has encountered a problem. Need Help? |
| Error messages: |
- [Type] 查询语句错误
- [1054] Unknown column 'seoinfo' in 'field list'
- [Query] UPDATE category_channel SET `title`='房产',`status`='1',`logo`='/4f/070409me0i3expwnmmuugg.gif',`mapinfo`='a:1:{s:3:"key";s:0:"";}',`listmode`='pic',`managegid`='a:1:{i:1;s:1:"1";}',`seoinfo`='a:4:{s:8:"seotitle";s:0:"";s:11:"seokeywords";s:0:"";s:14:"seodescription";s:0:"";s:7:"seohead";s:0:"";}' WHERE cid='1'
| | Program messages: |
- [Line: 0057]admin.php(require)
- [Line: 0106]source/admincp/admincp_category.php(DB::update)
- [Line: 0783]source/class/class_core.php(DB::query)
Discuz! Database Error | The database has encountered a problem. Need Help? |
| Error messages: |
- [Type] 查询语句错误
- [1054] Unknown column 'seoinfo' in 'field list'
- [Query] SELECT cid, title, identifier, logo, status, managegid, listmode, mapinfo, imageinfo, seoinfo FROM category_channel ORDER BY displayorder
| | Program messages: |
- [Line: 0057]admin.php(require)
- [Line: 1499]source/admincp/admincp_category.php(categorycache)
- [Line: 0168]source/function/function_category.php(DB::query)
只有点这2个地方 会出现这个问题, 点其他地方没问题。