最近在调试一个论坛,然后发现,论坛头条如果调用帖子中是图片附件(有的时候图片附件含有文字较少,或没有文字),对美工和SEO极为不利,于是在DIY属性寻找,期待寻找到类似于dedecms中的 noflag='p' 的属性,事实证明这个常用的功能在DISCUZ的调用中还不能实现,于是求助于老大@CR180,他耐心倾听我的诉求后,在百忙中抽出时间敲了几下键盘,然后扔给我一个文件说道,拿去,记得备份,\source\class\block\forum\block_thread.php,我大喜,如获至宝。
- <?php
- /**
- * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
- * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
- *
- * $Id: block_thread.php 32365 2013-01-06 12:23:07Z zhangguosheng $
- */
- if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
- exit('Access Denied');
- }
- class block_thread extends discuz_block {
- var $setting = array();
- function block_thread(){
- $this->setting = array(
- 'tids' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_tids',
- 'type' => 'text'
- ),
- 'uids' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_uids',
- 'type' => 'text'
- ),
- 'keyword' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_keyword',
- 'type' => 'text'
- ),
- 'tagkeyword' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_tagkeyword',
- 'type' => 'text'
- ),
- 'fids' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_fids',
- 'type' => 'mselect',
- 'value' => array()
- ),
- 'typeids' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_typeids',
- 'type' => 'text'
- ),
- 'sortids' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_sortids',
- 'type' => 'mselect',
- 'value' => array()
- ),
- 'digest' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_digest',
- 'type' => 'mcheckbox',
- 'value' => array(
- array(1, 'threadlist_digest_1'),
- array(2, 'threadlist_digest_2'),
- array(3, 'threadlist_digest_3'),
- array(0, 'threadlist_digest_0')
- ),
- ),
- 'stick' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_stick',
- 'type' => 'mcheckbox',
- 'value' => array(
- array(1, 'threadlist_stick_1'),
- array(2, 'threadlist_stick_2'),
- array(3, 'threadlist_stick_3'),
- array(0, 'threadlist_stick_0')
- ),
- ),
- 'recommend' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_recommend',
- 'type' => 'radio'
- ),
- 'special' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_special',
- 'type' => 'mcheckbox',
- 'value' => array(
- array(1, 'threadlist_special_1'),
- array(2, 'threadlist_special_2'),
- array(3, 'threadlist_special_3'),
- array(4, 'threadlist_special_4'),
- array(5, 'threadlist_special_5'),
- array(0, 'threadlist_special_0'),
- )
- ),
- 'viewmod' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_viewmod',
- 'type' => 'radio'
- ),
- 'rewardstatus' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_special_reward',
- 'type' => 'mradio',
- 'value' => array(
- array(0, 'threadlist_special_reward_0'),
- array(1, 'threadlist_special_reward_1'),
- array(2, 'threadlist_special_reward_2')
- ),
- 'default' => 0,
- ),
- // edit cr180 2013年6月19日 21:49:29
- /*
- 'picrequired' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_picrequired',
- 'type' => 'radio',
- 'value' => '0'
- ),
- */
- 'picrequired' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_picrequired',
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'value' => array(
- array(0, '默认无限制'),
- array(1, '必须含附件'),
- array(2, '禁止含附件')
- )
- ),
- // end
- 'orderby' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_orderby',
- 'type'=> 'mradio',
- 'value' => array(
- array('lastpost', 'threadlist_orderby_lastpost'),
- array('dateline', 'threadlist_orderby_dateline'),
- array('replies', 'threadlist_orderby_replies'),
- array('views', 'threadlist_orderby_views'),
- array('heats', 'threadlist_orderby_heats'),
- array('recommends', 'threadlist_orderby_recommends'),
- ),
- 'default' => 'lastpost'
- ),
- 'postdateline' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_postdateline',
- 'type'=> 'mradio',
- 'value' => array(
- array('0', 'threadlist_postdateline_nolimit'),
- array('3600', 'threadlist_postdateline_hour'),
- array('86400', 'threadlist_postdateline_day'),
- array('604800', 'threadlist_postdateline_week'),
- array('2592000', 'threadlist_postdateline_month'),
- ),
- 'default' => '0'
- ),
- 'lastpost' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_lastpost',
- 'type'=> 'mradio',
- 'value' => array(
- array('0', 'threadlist_lastpost_nolimit'),
- array('3600', 'threadlist_lastpost_hour'),
- array('86400', 'threadlist_lastpost_day'),
- array('604800', 'threadlist_lastpost_week'),
- array('2592000', 'threadlist_lastpost_month'),
- ),
- 'default' => '0'
- ),
- 'highlight' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_highlight',
- 'type' => 'radio',
- 'default' => 0,
- ),
- 'titlelength' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_titlelength',
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'default' => 40
- ),
- 'summarylength' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_summarylength',
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'default' => 80
- ),
- 'startrow' => array(
- 'title' => 'threadlist_startrow',
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'default' => 0
- ),
- );
- }
- function name() {
- return lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_script_thread');
- }
- function blockclass() {
- return array('thread', lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_forum_thread'));
- }
- function fields() {
- return array(
- 'id' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_field_id'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'url' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_url'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'title' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_title'), 'formtype' => 'title', 'datatype' => 'title'),
- 'pic' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_pic'), 'formtype' => 'pic', 'datatype' => 'pic'),
- 'summary' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_summary'), 'formtype' => 'summary', 'datatype' => 'summary'),
- 'author' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_author'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'authorid' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_authorid'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'avatar' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_avatar'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'avatar_middle' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_avatar_middle'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'avatar_big' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_avatar_big'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'forumurl' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_forumurl'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'forumname' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_forumname'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'typename' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_typename'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'typeicon' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_typeicon'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'typeurl' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_typeurl'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'sortname' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_sortname'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'sorturl' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_sorturl'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'string'),
- 'posts' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_posts'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'todayposts' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_todayposts'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'lastpost' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_lastpost'), 'formtype' => 'date', 'datatype' => 'date'),
- 'dateline' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_dateline'), 'formtype' => 'date', 'datatype' => 'date'),
- 'replies' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_replies'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'views' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_views'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'heats' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_heats'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- 'recommends' => array('name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_thread_field_recommends'), 'formtype' => 'text', 'datatype' => 'int'),
- );
- }
- function fieldsconvert() {
- return array(
- 'portal_article' => array(
- 'name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_portal_article'),
- 'script' => 'article',
- 'searchkeys' => array('author', 'authorid', 'forumurl', 'forumname', 'posts', 'views', 'replies'),
- 'replacekeys' => array('username', 'uid', 'caturl', 'catname', 'articles', 'viewnum', 'commentnum'),
- ),
- 'space_blog' => array(
- 'name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_space_blog'),
- 'script' => 'blog',
- 'searchkeys' => array('author', 'authorid', 'views', 'replies'),
- 'replacekeys' => array('username', 'uid', 'viewnum', 'replynum'),
- ),
- 'group_thread' => array(
- 'name' => lang('blockclass', 'blockclass_group_thread'),
- 'script' => 'groupthread',
- 'searchkeys' => array('forumname', 'forumurl'),
- 'replacekeys' => array('groupname', 'groupurl'),
- ),
- );
- }
- function getsetting() {
- global $_G;
- $settings = $this->setting;
- if($settings['fids']) {
- loadcache('forums');
- $settings['fids']['value'][] = array(0, lang('portalcp', 'block_all_forum'));
- foreach($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) {
- $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')).$forum['name']);
- }
- }
- if($settings['sortids']) {
- $settings['sortids']['value'][] = array(0, 'threadlist_sortids_all');
- $query = DB::query("SELECT typeid, name, special FROM ".DB::table('forum_threadtype')." WHERE special>'0' ORDER BY typeid DESC");
- while($threadtype = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $settings['sortids']['value'][] = array($threadtype['typeid'], $threadtype['name']);
- }
- }
- return $settings;
- }
- function getdata($style, $parameter) {
- global $_G;
- $returndata = array('html' => '', 'data' => '');
- $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter);
- loadcache('forums', 'stamps');
- $tids = !empty($parameter['tids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['tids']) : array();
- $uids = !empty($parameter['uids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['uids']) : array();
- $startrow = isset($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : 0;
- $items = !empty($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
- $digest = isset($parameter['digest']) ? $parameter['digest'] : 0;
- $stick = isset($parameter['stick']) ? $parameter['stick'] : 0;
- $orderby = isset($parameter['orderby']) ? (in_array($parameter['orderby'],array('lastpost','dateline','replies','views','heats','recommends')) ? $parameter['orderby'] : 'lastpost') : 'lastpost';
- $lastpost = isset($parameter['lastpost']) ? intval($parameter['lastpost']) : 0;
- $postdateline = isset($parameter['postdateline']) ? intval($parameter['postdateline']) : 0;
- $titlelength = !empty($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40;
- $summarylength = !empty($parameter['summarylength']) ? intval($parameter['summarylength']) : 80;
- $recommend = !empty($parameter['recommend']) ? 1 : 0;
- $keyword = !empty($parameter['keyword']) ? $parameter['keyword'] : '';
- $tagkeyword = !empty($parameter['tagkeyword']) ? $parameter['tagkeyword'] : '';
- $typeids = !empty($parameter['typeids']) ? explode(',',$parameter['typeids']) : array();
- $sortids = !empty($parameter['sortids']) && !in_array(0, (array)$parameter['sortids']) ? $parameter['sortids'] : array();
- $special = !empty($parameter['special']) ? $parameter['special'] : array();
- $rewardstatus = !empty($parameter['rewardstatus']) ? intval($parameter['rewardstatus']) : 0;
- //$picrequired = !empty($parameter['picrequired']) ? 1 : 0;
- $picrequired = in_array($parameter['picrequired'],array('0','1','2')) ? $parameter['picrequired'] : 0; //edit cr180 2013年6月19日 21:48:52
- $viewmod = !empty($parameter['viewmod']) ? 1 : 0;
- $highlight = !empty($parameter['highlight']) ? 1 : 0;
- $fids = array();
- if(!empty($parameter['fids'])) {
- if(isset($parameter['fids'][0]) && $parameter['fids'][0] == '0') {
- unset($parameter['fids'][0]);
- }
- $fids = $parameter['fids'];
- }
- $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
- require_once libfile('function/post');
- require_once libfile('function/search');
- $datalist = $list = $listtids = $pictids = $pics = $threadtids = $threadtypeids = $tagids = array();
- $keyword = $keyword ? searchkey($keyword, "t.subject LIKE '%{text}%'") : '';
- if($tagkeyword) {
- if(!($tagids = DB::fetch_all('SELECT tagid FROM '.DB::table('common_tag').' WHERE 1'.searchkey($tagkeyword, "tagname LIKE '%{text}%'"), '', 'tagid'))) {
- return array('data' => '');
- }
- }
- $threadsorts = $threadtypes = array();
- $querytmp = DB::query("SELECT typeid, name, special FROM ".DB::table('forum_threadtype')." WHERE special>'0'");
- while($value = DB::fetch($querytmp)) {
- $threadsorts[$value['typeid']] = $value;
- }
- $querytmp = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('forum_threadclass'));
- foreach(C::t('forum_threadclass')->range() as $value) {
- $threadtypes[$value['typeid']] = $value;
- }
- $sql = ($fids ? ' AND t.fid IN ('.dimplode($fids).')' : '')
- .($tids ? ' AND t.tid IN ('.dimplode($tids).')' : '')
- .($uids ? ' AND t.authorid IN ('.dimplode($uids).')' : '')
- .($typeids ? ' AND t.typeid IN ('.dimplode($typeids).')' : '')
- .($sortids ? ' AND t.sortid IN ('.dimplode($sortids).')' : '')
- .($special ? ' AND t.special IN ('.dimplode($special).')' : '')
- .((in_array(3, $special) && $rewardstatus) ? ($rewardstatus == 1 ? ' AND t.price < 0' : ' AND t.price > 0') : '')
- .($digest ? ' AND t.digest IN ('.dimplode($digest).')' : '')
- .($stick ? ' AND t.displayorder IN ('.dimplode($stick).')' : '')
- .($bannedids ? ' AND t.tid NOT IN ('.dimplode($bannedids).')' : '')
- .$keyword
- ." AND t.isgroup='0'";
- if($postdateline) {
- $time = TIMESTAMP - $postdateline;
- $sql .= " AND t.dateline >= '$time'";
- }
- if($lastpost) {
- $time = TIMESTAMP - $lastpost;
- $sql .= " AND t.lastpost >= '$time'";
- }
- if($orderby == 'heats') {
- $sql .= " AND t.heats>'0'";
- }
- $sqlfrom = $sqlfield = $joinmethodpic = '';
- if($picrequired) {
- $joinmethodpic = 'INNER';
- } else if($style['getpic']) {
- $joinmethodpic = 'LEFT';
- }
- //add cr180 2013年6月19日 21:49:08
- if($picrequired =='2'){
- unset($joinmethodpic);
- $sql .= " AND t.attachment=0";
- }
- //end
- if($joinmethodpic) {
- $sqlfrom .= " $joinmethodpic JOIN `".DB::table('forum_threadimage')."` ti ON t.tid=ti.tid";
- $sqlfield = ', ti.attachment as attachmenturl, ti.remote';
- }
- $joinmethod = empty($tids) ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT';
- if($recommend) {
- $sqlfrom .= " $joinmethod JOIN `".DB::table('forum_forumrecommend')."` fc ON fc.tid=t.tid";
- }
- if($tagids) {
- $sqlfrom .= " $joinmethod JOIN `".DB::table('common_tagitem')."` tim ON tim.tagid IN (".dimplode(array_keys($tagids)).") AND tim.itemid=t.tid AND tim.idtype='tid' ";
- }
- $maxwhere = '';
- if(!$tids && !$fids && !$digest && !$stick && $_G['setting']['blockmaxaggregationitem']) {
- $maxwhere = ($maxid = $this->getmaxid() - $_G['setting']['blockmaxaggregationitem']) > 0 ? 't.tid > '.$maxid.' AND ' : '';
- }
- $query = DB::query("SELECT DISTINCT t.*$sqlfield
- FROM `".DB::table('forum_thread')."` t
- $sqlfrom WHERE {$maxwhere}t.readperm='0'
- $sql
- AND t.displayorder>='0'
- ORDER BY t.$orderby DESC
- LIMIT $startrow,$items;"
- );
- while($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $_G['block_thread'][$data['tid']] = $data;
- if($style['getsummary']) {
- $threadtids[$data['posttableid']][] = $data['tid'];
- }
- $listtids[$data['tid']] = $data['tid'];
- $list[$data['tid']] = array(
- 'id' => $data['tid'],
- 'idtype' => 'tid',
- 'title' => cutstr(str_replace('\\\'', ''', addslashes($data['subject'])), $titlelength, ''),
- 'url' => 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid='.$data['tid'].($viewmod ? '&from=portal' : ''),
- 'pic' => $data['attachmenturl'] ? 'forum/'.$data['attachmenturl'] : STATICURL.'image/common/nophoto.gif',
- 'picflag' => $data['attachmenturl'] ? ($data['remote'] ? '2' : '1') : '0',
- 'fields' => array(
- 'fulltitle' => str_replace('\\\'', ''', addslashes($data['subject'])),
- 'threads' => $data['threads'],
- 'author' => $data['author'] ? $data['author'] : $_G['setting']['anonymoustext'],
- 'authorid' => $data['author'] ? $data['authorid'] : 0,
- 'avatar' => avatar(($data['author'] ? $data['authorid'] : 0), 'small', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']),
- 'avatar_middle' => avatar(($data['author'] ? $data['authorid'] : 0), 'middle', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']),
- 'avatar_big' => avatar(($data['author'] ? $data['authorid'] : 0), 'big', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']),
- 'posts' => $data['posts'],
- 'todayposts' => $data['todayposts'],
- 'lastpost' => $data['lastpost'],
- 'dateline' => $data['dateline'],
- 'replies' => $data['replies'],
- 'forumurl' => 'forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid='.$data['fid'],
- 'forumname' => $_G['cache']['forums'][$data['fid']]['name'],
- 'typename' => $threadtypes[$data['typeid']]['name'],
- 'typeicon' => $threadtypes[$data['typeid']]['icon'],
- 'typeurl' => 'forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid='.$data['fid'].'&filter=typeid&typeid='.$data['typeid'],
- 'sortname' => $threadsorts[$data['sortid']]['name'],
- 'sorturl' => 'forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid='.$data['fid'].'&filter=sortid&sortid='.$data['sortid'],
- 'views' => $data['views'],
- 'heats' => $data['heats'],
- 'recommends' => $data['recommends'],
- 'hourviews' => $data['views'],
- 'todayviews' => $data['views'],
- 'weekviews' => $data['views'],
- 'monthviews' => $data['views']
- )
- );
- if($highlight && $data['highlight']) {
- $list[$data['tid']]['fields']['showstyle'] = $this->getthreadstyle($data['highlight']);
- }
- }
- if($listtids) {
- $threads = $this->getthread($threadtids, $summarylength);
- if($threads) {
- foreach($threads as $tid => $var) {
- $list[$tid]['summary'] = $var;
- }
- }
- foreach($listtids as $key => $value) {
- $datalist[] = $list[$value];
- }
- }
- $returndata['data'] = $datalist;
- return $returndata;
- }
- function getthread($tidarray, $messagelength = 80, $nospecial = false) {
- global $_G;
- if(!$tidarray) {
- return '';
- }
- $notexists = $messagearr = $returnarr = array();
- foreach($tidarray as $var) {
- foreach($var as $v) {
- if(empty($_G['block_thread'][$v])) {
- $notexists[] = $v;
- }
- }
- }
- if($notexists) {
- $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, fid, subject, posttableid, price, special FROM ".DB::table('forum_thread')." WHERE tid IN (".dimplode($notexists).")");
- while($result = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $_G['block_thread'][$result['tid']] = $result;
- }
- }
- foreach($tidarray as $key => $var) {
- if($key == 0) {
- $posttable = 'forum_post';
- } else {
- $posttable = "forum_post_{$key}";
- }
- $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, message FROM ".DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid IN (".dimplode($var).") AND first=1");
- while($result = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $messagearr[$result['tid']] = $result['message'];
- }
- }
- require_once libfile('function/post');
- require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
- if($messagearr) {
- foreach($messagearr as $tid => $var) {
- $thread = $_G['block_thread'][$tid];
- if($nospecial) {
- $thread['special'] = 0;
- }
- if($thread['special'] == 1) {
- $polloptions = array();
- $multiple = DB::result_first("SELECT multiple FROM ".DB::table('forum_poll')." WHERE tid='$tid'");
- $optiontype = $multiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';
- $query = DB::query("SELECT polloptionid, polloption FROM ".DB::table('forum_polloption')." WHERE tid='$tid' ORDER BY displayorder");
- while($polloption = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $polloption['polloption'] = preg_replace("/\[url=(https?){1}:\/\/([^\["']+?)\](.+?)\[\/url\]/i",
- "<a href="\\1://\\2" target="_blank">\\3</a>", $polloption['polloption']);
- $polloptions[] = $polloption;
- }
- } elseif($thread['special'] == 2) {
- $trade = C::t('forum_trade')->fetch_first_goods($tid);
- $trade['aid'] = $trade['aid'] ? getforumimg($trade['aid']) : '';
- $trades[$tid][] = $trade;
- } elseif($thread['special'] == 3) {
- $extcredits = $_G['settings']['extcredits'];
- $creditstransextra = $_G['settings']['creditstransextra'];
- $rewardend = $thread['price'] < 0;
- $rewardprice = abs($thread['price']);
- $message = messagecutstr($var, $messagelength);
- } elseif($thread['special'] == 4) {
- $message = messagecutstr($var, $messagelength);
- $activity = DB::fetch_first("SELECT aid, number, applynumber FROM ".DB::table('forum_activity')." WHERE tid='$tid'");
- $activity['aid'] = $activity['aid'] ? getforumimg($activity['aid']) : '';
- $activity['aboutmember'] = $activity['number'] - $activity['applynumber'];
- } elseif($thread['special'] == 5) {
- $message = messagecutstr($var, $messagelength);
- $debate = C::t('forum_debate')->fetch($tid);
- $debate['affirmvoteswidth'] = $debate['affirmvotes'] ? intval(80 * (($debate['affirmvotes'] + 1) / ($debate['affirmvotes'] + $debate['negavotes'] + 1))) : 1;
- $debate['negavoteswidth'] = $debate['negavotes'] ? intval(80 * (($debate['negavotes'] + 1) / ($debate['affirmvotes'] + $debate['negavotes'] + 1))) : 1;
- $debate['affirmpoint'] = discuzcode($debate['affirmpoint'], 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- $debate['negapoint'] = discuzcode($debate['negapoint'], 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- } else {
- $message = messagecutstr($var, $messagelength);
- }
- include template('common/block_thread');
- $returnarr[$tid] = $return;
- }
- }
- return $returnarr;
- }
- function getpic($tid) {
- global $_G;
- if(!$tid) {
- return '';
- }
- $pic = DB::fetch_first("SELECT attachment, remote FROM ".DB::table(getattachtablebytid($tid))." WHERE tid='$tid' AND isimage IN (1, -1) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,1");
- return $pic;
- }
- function getpics($tids) {
- $data = array();
- $tids = !empty($tids) && is_array($tids) ? $tids : array($tids);
- $tids = array_map('intval', $tids);
- $tids = array_filter($tids);
- if(!empty($tids)) {
- $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table('forum_threadimage').' WHERE tid IN ('.dimplode($tids).')');
- while($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $data[$value['tid']] = $value;
- }
- }
- return $data;
- }
- function getthreadstyle($highlight) {
- $rt = array();
- if($highlight) {
- $color = array('', '#EE1B2E', '#EE5023', '#996600', '#3C9D40', '#2897C5', '#2B65B7', '#8F2A90', '#EC1282');
- $string = sprintf('%02d', $highlight);
- $stylestr = sprintf('%03b', $string[0]);
- $rt = array(
- 'title_b' => $stylestr[0] ? '1' : '',
- 'title_i' => $stylestr[1] ? '1' : '',
- 'title_u' => $stylestr[2] ? '1' : '',
- 'title_c' => $string[1] ? $color[$string[1]] : '',
- );
- }
- return $rt;
- }
- function getmaxid() {
- loadcache('databasemaxid');
- $data = getglobal('cache/databasemaxid');
- if(!isset($data['thread']) || TIMESTAMP - $data['thread']['dateline'] >= 86400) {
- $data['thread']['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP;
- $data['thread']['id'] = DB::result_first('SELECT MAX(tid) FROM '.DB::table('forum_thread'));
- savecache('databasemaxid', $data);
- }
- return $data['thread']['id'];
- }
- }
- ?>
收客官2个金币,请别介意。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……