本帖最后由 liuqiang 于 2014-1-6 15:53 编辑
尊敬的客户, Dear Client, 您好!非常感谢您一直以来给予AdMaster(精硕科技)的大力支持,为了更全面地完善我们的广告监测产品和服务,为您带来更好的使用体验,AdMaster希望通过问卷调查的形式征集您对我们产品或服务的建议或意见。 Thanks for your continuous support to AdMaster. In order to upgrade and improve our advertising monitoring product and services, your contributive advice is the most valuable. 请花5-8分钟填写问卷,您的建议将是我们前进和发展的重要基础! With the goal of delivering the most powerful solutions to you, we would highly appreciate if you can help us to reply the questionnaire by clicking the LINK above. Your 5 minutes will help us to move a thousand miles forward!
再次感谢您的支持! 问卷结束后,我们会抽取几位幸运答题者并送出小礼品,敬请期待! 祝您和您的家人新年快乐! After the survey finished, our gifts will be sent to some lucky respondents soon! Wish you and your family a happy new year!