if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
global $_G;
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pramga: no-cache");
$pan_option = $_G['cache']['plugin']['threed_dazhe'];
if ($_GET['formhash'] != FORMHASH)
showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld2'), array(), array(), array('alert' =>
$uid = $_G['uid'];
$aid = intval($_GET['aid']);
if(!$aid) showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld2'), array(), array(), array('alert' =>
$tableid = DB::result_first("SELECT tableid FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') .
" WHERE aid='$aid' LIMIT 1");
$tableid = $tableid >= 0 && $tableid < 10 ? intval($tableid) : 127;
$table = "forum_attachment_" . $tableid;
$attach = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table($table) . " WHERE aid=" .
$aid . " and isimage<>1 ORDER BY aid asc ");
if(empty($attach)) showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld2'), array(), array(), array('alert' =>
$tid = intval($attach['tid']);
if ($_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['readaccess'] < $attach['readperm'])
showmessage($pan_option['thd_power'], array(), array(), array('alert' => 'error'));
$pan_user = $pan_option["thd_user"];
$pan_zhekou = array();
$pan_zheokou_temp = explode(",", $pan_user);
foreach ($pan_zheokou_temp as $listk => $listv) {
$listv_temp = explode("|", $listv);
$pan_zhekou[0][$listk] = intval($listv_temp[0]?$listv_temp[0]:1);
$pan_zhekou[1][$listk] = intval($listv_temp[1]?$listv_temp[1]:0);
$pan_zhekou[2][$listk] = intval($listv_temp[2]?$listv_temp[2]:0);
$pan_yuanjia = $pan_zhejia=$attach['price'];
foreach ($pan_zhekou[0] as $listk => $listv) {
if ($_G['groupid'] == $listv) {
$pan_zhejia = intval($pan_zhekou[1][$listk] * $pan_yuanjia / 10);
$pan_downnum = $pan_zhekou[2][$listk];
$daydownnum =intval($_GET['daynum']); //代表24小时内的下载数
$buy_credit = $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][1];
$user_creditnum = DB::result_first("select extcredits" . $buy_credit . " from " .
DB::table('common_member_count') . " where uid=" . $uid);
$buy_creditname = $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$buy_credit]['title'];
$buy_username = DB::result_first("select username from " . DB::table('common_member') .
" where uid=" . $uid);
$saleid = $attach['uid'];
$sale_username = DB::result_first("select username from " . DB::table('common_member') .
" where uid=" . $saleid);
$yuxia = $user_creditnum - $pan_zhejia;
$sale_get = intval($pan_zhejia * (1 - $_G['setting']['creditstax']));
if ($_GET['ac'] == "buy") {
if ($uid == 0) {
showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld3'), '', array(), array('alert' =>
'info', 'login' => 1));
} else {
include template('threed_dazhe:pay');
elseif ($_GET['ac'] == "pay") {
if ($user_creditnum < $pan_zhejia) {
showmessage($pan_option['thd_credit'], array(), array(), array('alert' => 'info'));
$buycount = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_credit_log') .
" WHERE relatedid='$attach[aid]' AND uid='$uid' AND operation='BAC'");
if ($buycount == 0) {
$allcount = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_credit_log') .
" WHERE relatedid='$attach[aid]' AND operation='BAC'");
$allcount = $allcount * $pan_zhejia;
if ($allcount > $pan_option['thd_up']) {
$sale_get = 0;
$svaebuy = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'operation' => 'BAC',
'relatedid' => $attach['aid'],
'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'],
'extcredits' . $buy_credit => 0-$pan_zhejia);
$id = DB::insert('common_credit_log', $svaebuy, true, true);
$svaesale = array(
'uid' => $attach['uid'],
'operation' => 'SAC',
'relatedid' => $attach['aid'],
'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'],
'extcredits' . $buy_credit => $sale_get);
$id = DB::insert('common_credit_log', $svaesale, true, true);
if ($id) {
DB::query('update ' . DB::table('common_member_count') . ' set extcredits' . $buy_credit .
'=extcredits' . $buy_credit . '-' . $pan_zhejia . ' where uid=' . $uid);
DB::query('update ' . DB::table('common_member_count') . ' set extcredits' . $buy_credit .
'=extcredits' . $buy_credit . '+' . $sale_get . ' where uid=' . $saleid);
showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld4'), dreferer(), array(), array(
'alert' => 'info',
'showdialog' => 1,
'locationtime' => false));
} else {
showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld2'),"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=$tid&mobile=2", array(), array(), array('alert' =>
} else {
showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld5'),"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=$tid&mobile=2", array(), array(), array('alert' =>
showmessage(lang('plugin/threed_dazhe', 'downld2'),"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=$tid&mobile=2", array(), array(), array('alert' =>