目前此任务中没有包含姓名,要让他加上姓名的办法把\source\task\profile.php中的内容修改成- <?php
- /*
- [UCenter Home] (C) 2007-2008 Comsenz Inc.
- $Id: profile.php 8401 2008-08-06 09:19:53Z liguode $
- */
- if(!defined('IN_UCHOME')) {
- exit('Access Denied');
- }
- //判断用户是否全部设置了个人资料
- $nones = array();
- $profile_lang = array(
- 'name' => '姓名',
- 'sex' => '性别',
- 'birthyear' => '生日(年)',
- 'birthmonth' => '生日(月)',
- 'birthday' => '生日(日)',
- 'blood' => '血型',
- 'marry' => '婚恋状态',
- 'birthprovince' => '家乡(省)',
- 'birthcity' => '家乡(市)',
- 'resideprovince' => '居住地(省)',
- 'residecity' => '居住地(市)'
- );
- foreach (array('name','sex','birthyear','birthmonth','birthday','marry','birthprovince','birthcity','resideprovince','residecity') as $key) {
- $value = trim($space[$key]);
- if(empty($value)) {
- $nones[] = $profile_lang[$key];
- }
- }
- //站长扩展
- @include_once(S_ROOT.'./data/data_profilefield.php');
- foreach ($_SGLOBAL['profilefield'] as $field => $value) {
- if($value['required'] && empty($space['field_'.$field])) {
- $nones[] = $value['title'];
- }
- }
- if(empty($nones)) {
- $task['done'] = 1;//活动完成
- //自动找好友
- $maxnum = 10;
- $nouids = $space['friend']?($space['friend'].','.$space['uid']):$space['uid'];
- //居住地好友
- $residelist = array();
- $warr = array();
- $warr[] = "sf.resideprovince='".addslashes($space['resideprovince'])."'";
- $warr[] = "sf.residecity='".addslashes($space['residecity'])."'";
- $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT s.uid,s.username,s.name,s.namestatus FROM ".tname('spacefield')." sf
- LEFT JOIN ".tname('space')." s ON s.uid=sf.uid
- WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $warr)." AND sf.uid NOT IN ($nouids)
- LIMIT 0,$maxnum");
- while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
- realname_set($value['uid'], $value['username'], $value['name'], $value['namestatus']);
- $residelist[] = $value;
- }
- //性别好友
- $sexlist = array();
- $warr = array();
- if(empty($space['marry']) || $space['marry'] < 2) {//单身
- $warr[] = "sf.marry='1'";//单身
- }
- if(empty($space['sex']) || $space['sex'] < 2) {//男生
- $warr[] = "sf.sex='2'";//女生
- } else {
- $warr[] = "sf.sex='1'";//男生
- }
- $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT s.uid,s.username,s.name,s.namestatus FROM ".tname('spacefield')." sf
- LEFT JOIN ".tname('space')." s ON s.uid=sf.uid
- WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $warr)." AND sf.uid NOT IN ($nouids)
- LIMIT 0,$maxnum");
- while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
- realname_set($value['uid'], $value['username'], $value['name'], $value['namestatus']);
- $sexlist[] = $value;
- }
- realname_get();
- if($residelist) {
- $task['result'] .= '<p>为您找到同城的会员,赶快加为好友吧:</p>';
- $task['result'] .= '<ul class="avatar_list s_clear">';
- foreach ($residelist as $key => $value) {
- $task['result'] .= '<li>
- <a href="space.php?uid='.$value['uid'].'" target="_blank"><img src="'.avatar($value['uid'], 'small').'" class="avatar"></a>
- <p><a href="cp.php?ac=friend&op=add&uid='.$value['uid'].'" id="a_reside_friend_'.$key.'" onclick="ajaxmenu(event, this.id, 99999, \'\', -1)" class="addfriend"><img src="image/add.gif" alt="+" title="加为好友" /></a> <a href="space.php?uid='.$value['uid'].'" target="_blank">'.$_SN[$value['uid']].'</a></p>
- </li>';
- }
- $task['result'] .= '</ul>';
- }
- if($sexlist) {
- $task['result'] .= '<p>为您找到异性热门会员,赶快加为好友吧:</p>';
- $task['result'] .= '<ul class="avatar_list s_clear">';
- foreach ($sexlist as $key => $value) {
- $task['result'] .= '<li>
- <a href="space.php?uid='.$value['uid'].'" target="_blank"><img src="'.avatar($value['uid'], 'small').'" class="avatar"></a>
- <p><a href="cp.php?ac=friend&op=add&uid='.$value['uid'].'" id="a_sex_friend_'.$key.'" onclick="ajaxmenu(event, this.id, 99999, \'\', -1)" class="addfriend"><img src="image/add.gif" alt="+" title="加为好友" /></a> <a href="space.php?uid='.$value['uid'].'" target="_blank">'.$_SN[$value['uid']].'</a></p>
- </li>';
- }
- $task['result'] .= '</ul>';
- }
- } else {
- //活动完成向导
- $task['guide'] = '
- <strong>您还有以下个人资料像需要补充完整:</strong><br>
- <span style="color:red;">'.implode('<br>', $nones).'</span><br><br>
- <strong>请按照以下的说明来完成本活动:</strong>
- <ul class="task">
- <li>1. <a href="cp.php?ac=profile" target="_blank">新窗口打开个人资料设置页面</a>;</li>
- <li>2. 在新打开的设置页面中,将上述个人资料补充完整。</li>
- </ul>';
- }
- ?>
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