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//版权所有 部落设计工作室 http://www.39it.com.cn
//QQ:271772477 QQ:591889188 QQ:331339068
[Discuz!] (C)2001-2009 Comsenz Inc.
This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
$Id: index.php 16688 2008-11-14 06:41:07Z cnteacher $
define('CURSCRIPT', 'index');
require_once './include/common.inc.php';
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/forum.func.php';
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$hack_cut_str =20; //修改标题显示字数
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$query = $db->query("SELECT id,displayorder,name,url,description,logo FROM {$tablepre}forumlinks where logo='' ORDER BY displayorder LIMIT 20");
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$buluoinfolinks['links_name'] = $buluoinfolinks['name'];
$buluoinfolinks['links_url'] = $buluoinfolinks['url'];
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case 'yes': dsetcookie('onlineindex', 1, 86400 * 365); break;
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$newthreads = round(($timestamp - $lastvisit + 600) / 1000) * 1000;
$rsshead = $rssstatus ? ('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$bbname.'" href="'.$boardurl.'rss.php?auth='.$rssauth."\" />\n") : '';
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foreach(explode("\t", isset($_DCOOKIE['customkw']) ? $_DCOOKIE['customkw'] : '') as $topic) {
$topic = dhtmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($topic)));
$customtopics .= '<a href="topic.php?keyword='.rawurlencode($topic).'" target="_blank">'.$topic.'</a> ';
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$readapmids = !empty($_DCOOKIE['readapmid']) ? explode('D', $_DCOOKIE['readapmid']) : array();
foreach($_DCACHE['announcements'] as $announcement) {
if(empty($announcement['groups']) || in_array($groupid, $announcement['groups'])) {
if(empty($announcement['type'])) {
$announcements .= '<li><a href="announcement.php?id='.$announcement['id'].'">'.$announcement['subject'].
'<em>('.gmdate($dateformat, $announcement['starttime'] + $timeoffset * 3600).')</em></a></li>';
} elseif($announcement['type'] == 1) {
$announcements .= '<li><a href="'.$announcement['message'].'" target="_blank">'.$announcement['subject'].
'<em>('.gmdate($dateformat, $announcement['starttime'] + $timeoffset * 3600).')</em></a></li>';
$sql = !empty($accessmasks) ?
"SELECT f.fid, f.fup, f.type, f.name, f.threads, f.posts, f.todayposts, f.lastpost, f.inheritedmod, f.forumcolumns, f.simple, ff.description, ff.moderators, ff.icon, ff.viewperm, ff.redirect, a.allowview FROM {$tablepre}forums f
LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forumfields ff ON ff.fid=f.fid
LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}access a ON a.uid='$discuz_uid' AND a.fid=f.fid
WHERE f.status>0 ORDER BY f.type, f.displayorder"
: "SELECT f.fid, f.fup, f.type, f.name, f.threads, f.posts, f.todayposts, f.lastpost, f.inheritedmod, f.forumcolumns, f.simple, ff.description, ff.moderators, ff.icon, ff.viewperm, ff.redirect FROM {$tablepre}forums f
LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forumfields ff USING(fid)
WHERE f.status>0 ORDER BY f.type, f.displayorder";
$query = $db->query($sql);
while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
$forumname[$forum['fid']] = strip_tags($forum['name']);
if($forum['type'] != 'group') {
$threads += $forum['threads'];
$posts += $forum['posts'];
$todayposts += $forum['todayposts'];
if($forum['type'] == 'forum' && isset($catlist[$forum['fup']])) {
if(forum($forum)) {
$catlist[$forum['fup']]['forums'][] = $forum['fid'];
$forum['orderid'] = $catlist[$forum['fup']]['forumscount']++;
$forum['subforums'] = '';
$forumlist[$forum['fid']] = $forum;
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$forumlist[$forum['fup']]['threads'] += $forum['threads'];
$forumlist[$forum['fup']]['posts'] += $forum['posts'];
$forumlist[$forum['fup']]['todayposts'] += $forum['todayposts'];
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$forumlist[$forum['fup']]['subforums'] .= '<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid='.$forum['fid'].'">'.$forum['name'].'</a> ';
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if(!isset($_COOKIE['discuz_collapse']) || strpos($_COOKIE['discuz_collapse'], 'category_'.$forum['fid']) === FALSE) {
$forum['collapseimg'] = 'collapsed_no.gif';
$collapse['category_'.$forum['fid']] = '';
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$forum['collapseimg'] = 'collapsed_yes.gif';
$collapse['category_'.$forum['fid']] = 'display: none';
if($forum['moderators']) {
$forum['moderators'] = moddisplay($forum['moderators'], 'flat');
$forum['forumscount'] = 0;
$catlist[$forum['fid']] = $forum;
foreach($catlist as $catid => $category) {
if($catlist[$catid]['forumscount'] && $category['forumcolumns']) {
$catlist[$catid]['forumcolwidth'] = floor(100 / $category['forumcolumns']).'%';
$catlist[$catid]['endrows'] = '';
if($colspan = $category['forumscount'] % $category['forumcolumns']) {
while(($category['forumcolumns'] - $colspan) > 0) {
$catlist[$catid]['endrows'] .= '<td> </td>';
$colspan ++;
$catlist[$catid]['endrows'] .= '</tr>';
} elseif(empty($category['forumscount'])) {
unset($catid, $category);
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$catlist[0]['fid'] = 0;
$catlist[0]['type'] = 'group';
$catlist[0]['name'] = $bbname;
$catlist[0]['collapseimg'] = 'collapsed_no.gif';
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if($whosonlinestatus == 1 || $whosonlinestatus == 3) {
$whosonlinestatus = 1;
$onlineinfo = explode("\t", $onlinerecord);
if(empty($_DCOOKIE['onlineusernum'])) {
$onlinenum = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}sessions");
if($onlinenum > $onlineinfo[0]) {
$_DCACHE['settings']['onlinerecord'] = $onlinerecord = "$onlinenum\t$timestamp";
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}settings SET value='$onlinerecord' WHERE variable='onlinerecord'");
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/cache.func.php';
$onlineinfo = array($onlinenum, $timestamp);
dsetcookie('onlineusernum', intval($onlinenum), 300);
} else {
$onlinenum = intval($_DCOOKIE['onlineusernum']);
$onlineinfo[1] = gmdate($dateformat, $onlineinfo[1] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
$detailstatus = $showoldetails == 'yes' || (((!isset($_DCOOKIE['onlineindex']) && !$whosonline_contract) || $_DCOOKIE['onlineindex']) && $onlinenum < 500 && !$showoldetails);
if($detailstatus) {
@include language('actions');
$discuz_uid && updatesession();
$membercount = $invisiblecount = 0;
$whosonline = array();
$maxonlinelist = $maxonlinelist ? $maxonlinelist : 500;
$query = $db->query("SELECT uid, username, groupid, invisible, action, lastactivity, fid FROM {$tablepre}sessions ".(isset($_DCACHE['onlinelist'][7]) ? '' : 'WHERE uid <> 0')." ORDER BY uid DESC LIMIT ".$maxonlinelist);
while($online = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
if($online['uid']) {
$membercount ++;
if($online['invisible']) {
} else {
$online['icon'] = isset($_DCACHE['onlinelist'][$online['groupid']]) ? $_DCACHE['onlinelist'][$online['groupid']] : $_DCACHE['onlinelist'][0];
} else {
$online['icon'] = $_DCACHE['onlinelist'][7];
$online['username'] = $_DCACHE['onlinelist']['guest'];
$online['fid'] = $online['fid'] ? $forumname[$online['fid']] : 0;
$online['action'] = $actioncode[$online['action']];
$online['lastactivity'] = gmdate($timeformat, $online['lastactivity'] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
$whosonline[] = $online;
unset($actioncode, $online);
if($onlinenum > $maxonlinelist) {
$membercount = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}sessions WHERE uid <> '0'");
$invisiblecount = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}sessions WHERE invisible = '1'");
if($onlinenum < $membercount) {
$onlinenum = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}sessions");
dsetcookie('onlineusernum', intval($onlinenum), 300);
$guestcount = $onlinenum - $membercount;
} else {
$whosonlinestatus = 0;
} else {
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/category.inc.php';
$lastvisit = $lastvisit ? dgmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $lastvisit + 3600 * $timeoffset) : 0;
include template('buluoguoli');
在些跪求各位高手帮帮忙,在线等了.QQ 351564558 |