This is a modified English version of UCenter 1.5.2 from Comsenz Inc.
This package prepared and translated by Valery Votintsev aka "vot" from
UCenter 1.5.2 EN-UTF8 Release 20101226 Changelog
1. Some code beautified
2. Database structure revised and slightly modified
3. Removed the ending "?>" from PHP files
1. UCenter version upgraded to v.1.5.2
2. Some styles modified for more wider fields
3. Upgrade/Convert utilities translated to English
4. All documents in "readme/" directory translated to English
1. Database structure modified for european languages
(most of fields expanded)
2. All the Chinese strings encoded with HTML code like &#NNNN;
translated to English
3. All the images translated to English
(You can find the Photoshop files near the corresponding images)
4. All other files translated to English (.xml, .css, etc.)
5. UCenter API Development Guide translated to English
(see "advanced/" directory)
1. Created the first fork from
Original UCenter 1.5.0 Release 20081212
2. All the language files translated to English
3. All the javascript files verified and translated to English
You can download the package for free from the Russian-Chinese Coders Community Site:
I wonder why to do this...
3. Removed the ending "?>" from PHP files
It is a "Good practice" for PHP programmers,
because of all the possible spaces after the ending "?>" are always displayed as HTML code at your output, and may cause problems with a page layout.