你好 是big5版的
在打出这个字 big5: 許 这个字会出问题
在投票的选项出现 也会出问题
简单看了一下错误讯息,是这些码第二码为 5C 而系统自动补上另一个 5C 就會讓sql語法錯誤
- Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
- User: AJ
- Time: 2006-3-29 2:19pm
- Script: /tc_big5/post.php
- SQL: INSERT INTO cdb_posts (fid, tid, first, author, authorid, subject, dateline, message, useip, invisible, anonymous, usesig, htmlon, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, parseurloff, attachment)
- VALUES ('17', '91', '1', 'AJ', '31', 'test', '1143613167', '許\', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '-1', '-1', '', '0')
- Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '', '0', '0', '', '0', '-1', '-1', '', '0')' at line
- Errno.: 1064
- Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.
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