本帖最后由 q75788286 于 2009-3-27 02:22 编辑
改来改去总是不对!请大家帮忙看下!下面是要改的代码:- <!--{template header}-->
- <!--{eval $ads = getad('system', 'indexad', '1'); }-->
- <h2><a href="{S_URL}/"><img src="{S_URL}/images/logo.gif" alt="$_SCONFIG[sitename]" /></a></h2>
- <!--{if !empty($ads['pageheadad']) }-->
- <div class="ad_header">$ads[pageheadad]</div>
- <!--{/if}-->
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="pagebody">
- <div id="pagebody_extbg">
- <div id="nav">
- <ul class="main_nav">
- <!--{if empty($_SCONFIG['defaultchannel'])}-->
- <li class="current"><a href="{S_URL}/index.php"><span>首页</span></a></li>
- <!--{/if}-->
- <!--{loop $channels['menus'] $key $value}-->
- <li><a href="$value[url]"><span>$value[name]</span></a></li>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="column">
- <div id="supehot">
- <!--{block name="spacenews" parameter="haveattach/2/order/i.dateline DESC/limit/0,4/cachetime/83400/subjectlen/40/subjectdot/1/cachename/hotnewspic"}-->
- <div class="box_l" id="index_focus_turn">
- <!--{if !empty($_SBLOCK['hotnewspic'])}-->
- <div id="index_focus_turn_pic">
- <div id="index_focus_turn_picList" style="left:0; top:0;">
- <ul>
- <!--{loop $_SBLOCK['hotnewspic'] $pkey $pvalue}-->
- <li><a href="$pvalue[url]"><img src="$pvalue['a_filepath']" alt="" /></a></li>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div id="index_focus_turn_opvdiv"></div>
- <div id="index_focus_turn_tx">
- <ul>
- <!--{eval $i = 0}-->
- <!--{loop $_SBLOCK['hotnewspic'] $key $value}-->
- <!--{eval $current = ($i == 0 ? 'current' : 'normal');}-->
- <li class="$current">$value[subject]</li>
- <!--{eval $i++}-->
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="index_focus_turn_btn">
- <ul>
- <!--{eval $i = 0}-->
- <!--{loop $_SBLOCK['hotnewspic'] $bkey $bvalue}-->
- <!--{eval $current = ($i == 0 ? 'current' : 'normal');}-->
- <li class="$current"><img src="$bvalue[a_thumbpath]" alt="" /></li>
- <!--{eval $i++}-->
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </ul>
- </div>
- <!--{/if}-->
- </div>
- <div class="box_r">
- <div class="supehot_txbox">
- <div class="supehot_txbox_caption">
- <ul>
- <li class="current"><em>最新资讯</em></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="supehot_txbox_content">
- <!--{block name="spacenews" parameter="order/i.dateline DESC/limit/0,9/cachetime/85400/subjectlen/40/subjectdot/1/cachename/hotnews1"}-->
- <ul class="current" id="supehot_list_1">
- <!--{loop $_SBLOCK['hotnews1'] $value}-->
- <li><span class="box_r">#date('m.d',$value['dateline'])#</span><a href="$value[url]">$value[subject]</a></li>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div><!--supehot end -->
- <div id="supespecial">
- <ul>
- <!--{block name="poll" parameter="order/dateline DESC/limit/0,1/cachetime/80000/cachename/poll"}-->
- <!--{if empty($_SBLOCK['poll'])}-->
- <li>暂时没有调查</li>
- <!--{else}-->
- <!--{loop $_SBLOCK['poll'] $value}-->
- <li>调查:<a href="$value[url]" target="_blank">$value[subject]</a></li>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- <!--{/if}-->
- <!--{block name="announcement" parameter="order/displayorder DESC,starttime DESC/limit/0,1/cachetime/96400/subjectlen/40/subjectdot/1/cachename/announce"}-->
- <!--{if empty($_SBLOCK['announce'])}-->
- <li>暂时没有公告</li>
- <!--{else}-->
- <!--{loop $_SBLOCK['announce'] $value}-->
- <li>公告:<a href="$value[url]" target="_blank">$value[subject]</a>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- <!--{/if}-->
复制代码 大家看下需要怎么改!下面是配对的CSS代码:/* Index style */
/* Index common style start */
.supe_globalmodule { width:948px; overflow:hidden; margin-bottom:8px; }
.supe_globalmodule_l { float:left; width:675px; height:305px; overflow:hidden; border:1px solid #240414; background:#000; }
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.supe_globalmodule_r h3 { width:117px; height:27px; margin:-1px 0 0 -1px; background:url(../images/supe_globalcaption_r_bg.gif) no-repeat; color:#FFF; text-align:center; line-height:27px; text-indent:0; }
.supe_piclist ul li{ position:relative; float:left; width:102px; height:120px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 10px 13px 0; *margin:0 10px 11px 0; }
.supe_piclist ul li div { display:table-cell; *display:block; width:100px; height:100px; overflow:hidden; border:1px solid #E0E9F2; background:#080808; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; *font-size:86px; cursor:pointer; }
.supe_piclist ul li div img { vertical-align:middle; }
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/* Index common style end */
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#supehot .box_r { width:416px; }
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/* Index Focus Turn style start */
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#index_focus_turn_opvdiv { position:absolute; left:0; bottom:0; width:410px; height:35px; background:#000; filter:alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity:0.5; opacity:0.5; }
#index_focus_turn_tx { position:absolute; left:8px; bottom:8px; color:#FFF; }
#index_focus_turn_tx span { font-size:12px !important; }
#index_focus_turn_tx .normal { display:none; }
/* Index Focus Turn style end */
#supespecial { width:948px; height:40px; overflow:hidden; margin-bottom:8px; border:1px dashed #880F2E; background:#000 url(../images/dashed_exect_bg.gif) repeat-y 315px 0; }
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#supenews {}, #supebbs {}
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#supepic {}
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#supepic .supe_globalmodule_l .supe_piclist { padding:17px 0 0 0; }
#supepic .supe_globalmodule_r .supe_piclist { padding:17px 0 0 0px; }
#supepic .supe_globalmodule_r .supe_piclist li { display:inline; margin:0 0 14px 18px; }
#supepic {}
#supeblog {}/* styling for the index/blog */
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#supelink { border:1px dashed #240414; }
#supelink_cpation { width:99%; height:28px; margin:0 auto 12px; background:url(../images/dashed_bg.gif) repeat-x 0 27px; line-height:28px; }
#supelink_cpation h3 { display:inline; float:left; margin-left:6px; color:#fff; }
#supelink_cpation a { float:right; font-family:sumsin; }
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/* News style/bbs style */ 各位大哥大姐会的给指点下!说的明白些 小弟新手!谢谢了!!!!!!!! |