




[思考讨论] Tips to Get Rich in Wow

vieriwu763 发表于 2009-6-13 21:01:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
By now we want to make very clear that you will become a millionaire by playing World of Warcraft. We'll give a guide which tells you how to make your character rich. For some players making gold in World of Warcraft is the hardest thing to do but it is not really the case. It's just a question of figuring out where to go and what to use to make lots of gold in the wow game.
   Auction House is the key location to make as much money as you want but it takes a lot of learning. You will need to spend a long time here making sure that you figure out how it works. Put items up for sale as much as you can; this and get a feel of how everything works. And make sure you use these two mods: the Auctioneer and Bottom-scanner.
You can't hold on to everything you make and gather in World of Warcraft. By having more than one character, this will allow you to transfer what is needed between characters when needed. Also make sure that you have characters that live in the major cities; this will allow you to access the more important items and areas that are in the game not found out in the wilderness.
But most of the time,wow gold, you need to buy wow gold&nbsp,cheap wow gold;tools, weapons, mounts, skills and so much more that will enhance your character and help you level up. The more gold you have to spend, the easier and faster it will be to shape your character into perfection. Here you will find tips that will help you become rich in World of Warcraft so you can get the most out of playing this unique and incredible online game.
First thing first, you must get your professions early in the game. The sooner you begin taking advantage of the professions you choose, the faster you will reap the rewards. Your character is allowed two professions and it's suggested that you make one of them either skinning or mining. Both of these can greatly increase the amount of gold you receive throughout the game.
Second, questing is a great way to both level up and get world of warcraft gold. You will receive items for completing quest. The value of these items will vary greatly, which depend on the type of quest and the level of your player. Some of these items will be valuable and they can be kept or sold later for gold.
Third, you can sell your items to vendors at the AH or to other players. Make a wise choice and sell the items help you bring the best price at the place. For example, cloth will sell for a higher price at the AH than what you would get for it from a vendor.
Fourth, make wise investments when purchasing gear and items to help you level up. As you level up you will have access to more powerful gear that will be more useful to you than the ones you can buy at lower levels. Therefore, it's wise to only buy what you absolutely need when you're first beginning and save as much as you can for when you reach the higher levels.
Lastly, you can offer service for other players and lead them on quest to help them to achieve their goals for a fair price once your character reaches a good level with a lot of experience.
As above mentioned, those tips will help you get rich faster and easier as you're enjoying your adventures through the world of Azeroth. It is vital to make gold to your success but you do not let it be your only goal in this game.
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