cache.func.php文件详解- <?php
- /*
- [Discuz!] (C)2001-2009 Comsenz Inc.
- This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
- $Id: cache.func.php 21311 2009-11-26 01:35:43Z liulanbo $
- */
- define('DISCUZ_KERNEL_VERSION', '7.2');
- define('DISCUZ_KERNEL_RELEASE', '20091126');
- function updatecache($cachename = '') {
- //分别引入 mysql操作库存,论坛名称,数据库前缀,最大论坛时间(估计是授权用户专用)
- global $db, $bbname, $tablepre, $maxbdays;
- //静态化一下数组,比如$cachename = setings 就读到这个数组 'settings' => array('settings'),
- static $cachescript = array
- (
- 'settings' => array('settings'),
- 'forums' => array('forums'),
- 'icons' => array('icons'),
- 'stamps' => array('stamps'),
- 'ranks' => array('ranks'),
- 'usergroups' => array('usergroups'),
- 'request' => array('request'),
- 'medals' => array('medals'),
- 'magics' => array('magics'),
- 'topicadmin' => array('modreasons', 'stamptypeid'),
- 'archiver' => array('advs_archiver'),
- 'register' => array('advs_register', 'ipctrl'),
- 'faqs' => array('faqs'),
- 'secqaa' => array('secqaa'),
- 'censor' => array('censor'),
- 'ipbanned' => array('ipbanned'),
- 'smilies' => array('smilies_js'),
- 'forumstick' => array('forumstick'),
- 'index' => array('announcements', 'onlinelist', 'forumlinks', 'advs_index', 'heats'),
- 'forumdisplay' => array('smilies', 'announcements_forum', 'globalstick', 'forums', 'icons', 'onlinelist', 'advs_forumdisplay', 'forumstick'),
- 'viewthread' => array('smilies', 'smileytypes', 'forums', 'usergroups', 'ranks', 'stamps', 'bbcodes', 'smilies', 'advs_viewthread', 'tags_viewthread', 'custominfo', 'groupicon', 'focus', 'stamps'),
- 'post' => array('bbcodes_display', 'bbcodes', 'smileycodes', 'smilies', 'smileytypes', 'icons', 'domainwhitelist'),
- 'profilefields' => array('fields_required', 'fields_optional'),
- 'viewpro' => array('fields_required', 'fields_optional', 'custominfo'),
- 'bbcodes' => array('bbcodes', 'smilies', 'smileytypes'),
- );
- //当最大时间有值时,就将在$cachescript 增加两段
- if($maxbdays) {
- $cachescript['birthdays'] = array('birthdays');
- $cachescript['index'][] = 'birthdays_index';
- }
- // 组成更新数组.
- $updatelist = empty($cachename) ? array_values($cachescript) : (is_array($cachename) ? array('0' => $cachename) : array(array('0' => $cachename)));
- $updated = array();
- // 现在循环. 由于是二维数组, 所以循环两次.
- foreach($updatelist as $value) {
- foreach($value as $cname) {
- //判断如果$updated数组为假,或者$updated中没有$cname的值,就进入, 目的是为了防止重复
- if(empty($updated) || !in_array($cname, $updated)) {
- $updated[] = $cname; //进来一次, 就丢进数组, 以便循环中再次使用.
- getcachearray($cname); // 取得相应的值,并且生成缓存.
- }
- }
- }
- // 假如是空参数进入, 就对所有的缓存标识作判断.
- foreach($cachescript as $script => $cachenames) {
- if(empty($cachename) || (!is_array($cachename) && in_array($cachename, $cachenames)) || (is_array($cachename) && array_intersect($cachename, $cachenames))) {
- $cachedata = '';
- $query = $db->query("SELECT data FROM {$tablepre}caches WHERE cachename in(".implodeids($cachenames).")");
- while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $cachedata .= $data['data'];
- }
- writetocache($script, $cachenames, $cachedata);
- }
- }
- //假如参数为空,或者参数为styles 就处理模板风格等缓存
- if(!$cachename || $cachename == 'styles') {
- $stylevars = $styledata = $styleicons = array();
- $defaultstyleid = $db->result_first("SELECT value FROM {$tablepre}settings WHERE variable = 'styleid'");
- list(, $imagemaxwidth) = explode("\t", $db->result_first("SELECT value FROM {$tablepre}settings WHERE variable = 'zoomstatus'"));
- $imagemaxwidth = $imagemaxwidth ? $imagemaxwidth : 600;
- $imagemaxwidthint = intval($imagemaxwidth);
- $query = $db->query("SELECT sv.* FROM {$tablepre}stylevars sv LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}styles s ON s.styleid = sv.styleid AND (s.available=1 OR s.styleid='$defaultstyleid')");
- while($var = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $stylevars[$var['styleid']][$var['variable']] = $var['substitute'];
- }
- $query = $db->query("SELECT s.*, AS tpldir FROM {$tablepre}styles s LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}templates t ON s.templateid=t.templateid WHERE s.available=1 OR s.styleid='$defaultstyleid'");
- while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $data = array_merge($data, $stylevars[$data['styleid']]);
- $datanew = array();
- $data['imgdir'] = $data['imgdir'] ? $data['imgdir'] : 'images/default';
- $data['styleimgdir'] = $data['styleimgdir'] ? $data['styleimgdir'] : $data['imgdir'];
- foreach($data as $k => $v) {
- if(substr($k, -7, 7) == 'bgcolor') {
- $newkey = substr($k, 0, -7).'bgcode';
- $datanew[$newkey] = setcssbackground($data, $k);
- }
- }
- $data = array_merge($data, $datanew);
- $styleicons[$data['styleid']] = $data['menuhover'];
- if(strstr($data['boardimg'], ',')) {
- $flash = explode(",", $data['boardimg']);
- $flash[0] = trim($flash[0]);
- $flash[0] = preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $flash[0]) ? $flash[0] : $data['styleimgdir'].'/'.$flash[0];
- $data['boardlogo'] = "<embed src="".$flash[0]."" width="".trim($flash[1])."" height="".trim($flash[2])."" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed>";
- } else {
- $data['boardimg'] = preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $data['boardimg']) ? $data['boardimg'] : $data['styleimgdir'].'/'.$data['boardimg'];
- $data['boardlogo'] = "<img src="$data[boardimg]" alt="$bbname" border="0" />";
- }
- $data['bold'] = $data['nobold'] ? 'normal' : 'bold';
- $contentwidthint = intval($data['contentwidth']);
- $contentwidthint = $contentwidthint ? $contentwidthint : 600;
- if(substr(trim($data['contentwidth']), -1, 1) != '%') {
- if(substr(trim($imagemaxwidth), -1, 1) != '%') {
- $data['imagemaxwidth'] = $imagemaxwidthint > $contentwidthint ? $contentwidthint : $imagemaxwidthint;
- } else {
- $data['imagemaxwidth'] = intval($contentwidthint * $imagemaxwidthint / 100);
- }
- } else {
- if(substr(trim($imagemaxwidth), -1, 1) != '%') {
- $data['imagemaxwidth'] = '%'.$imagemaxwidthint;
- } else {
- $data['imagemaxwidth'] = ($imagemaxwidthint > $contentwidthint ? $contentwidthint : $imagemaxwidthint).'%';
- }
- }
- $data['verhash'] = random(3);
- $styledata[] = $data;
- }
- foreach($styledata as $data) {
- $data['styleicons'] = $styleicons;
- writetocache($data['styleid'], '', getcachevars($data, 'CONST'), 'style_');
- writetocsscache($data);
- }
- }
- //假如参数为空,或者参数为usergroups 就处理用户组等缓存
- if(!$cachename || $cachename == 'usergroups') {
- @include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'forumdata/cache/cache_settings.php';
- $threadplugins = !isset($_DCACHE['settings']) ? $GLOBALS['threadplugins'] : $_DCACHE['settings'];
- $allowthreadplugin = $threadplugins ? unserialize($db->result_first("SELECT value FROM {$tablepre}settings WHERE variable='allowthreadplugin'")) : array();
- $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}usergroups u
- LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}admingroups a ON u.groupid=a.admingid");
- while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $ratearray = array();
- if($data['raterange']) {
- foreach(explode("\n", $data['raterange']) as $rating) {
- $rating = explode("\t", $rating);
- $ratearray[$rating[0]] = array('min' => $rating[1], 'max' => $rating[2], 'mrpd' => $rating[3]);
- }
- }
- $data['raterange'] = $ratearray;
- $data['grouptitle'] = $data['color'] ? '<font color="'.$data['color'].'">'.$data['grouptitle'].'</font>' : $data['grouptitle'];
- $data['grouptype'] = $data['type'];
- $data['grouppublic'] = $data['system'] != 'private';
- $data['groupcreditshigher'] = $data['creditshigher'];
- $data['groupcreditslower'] = $data['creditslower'];
- $data['allowthreadplugin'] = $threadplugins ? $allowthreadplugin[$data['groupid']] : array();
- unset($data['type'], $data['system'], $data['creditshigher'], $data['creditslower'], $data['color'], $data['groupavatar'], $data['admingid']);
- writetocache($data['groupid'], '', getcachevars($data), 'usergroup_');
- }
- }
- //假如参数为空,或者参数为admingroups 就处理管理用户组等缓存
- if(!$cachename || $cachename == 'admingroups') {
- $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}admingroups");
- while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- writetocache($data['admingid'], '', getcachevars($data), 'admingroup_');
- }
- }
- if(!$cachename || $cachename == 'plugins') {
- $query = $db->query("SELECT pluginid, available, adminid, name, identifier, datatables, directory, copyright, modules FROM {$tablepre}plugins");
- while($plugin = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $data = array_merge($plugin, array('modules' => array()), array('vars' => array()));
- $plugin['modules'] = unserialize($plugin['modules']);
- if(is_array($plugin['modules'])) {
- foreach($plugin['modules'] as $module) {
- $data['modules'][$module['name']] = $module;
- }
- }
- $queryvars = $db->query("SELECT variable, value FROM {$tablepre}pluginvars WHERE pluginid='$plugin[pluginid]'");
- while($var = $db->fetch_array($queryvars)) {
- $data['vars'][$var['variable']] = $var['value'];
- }
- writetocache($plugin['identifier'], '', "\$_DPLUGIN['$plugin[identifier]'] = ".arrayeval($data), 'plugin_');
- }
- }
- //假如参数为空,或者参数为threadsorts 就处理主题信息等缓存
- if(!$cachename || $cachename == 'threadsorts') {
- $sortlist = $templatedata = array();
- $query = $db->query("SELECT t.typeid AS sortid, tt.optionid, tt.title, tt.type, tt.unit, tt.rules, tt.identifier, tt.description, tv.required, tv.unchangeable,, tv.subjectshow
- FROM {$tablepre}threadtypes t
- LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}typevars tv ON t.typeid=tv.sortid
- LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}typeoptions tt ON tv.optionid=tt.optionid
- WHERE t.special='1' AND tv.available='1'
- ORDER BY tv.displayorder");
- while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $data['rules'] = unserialize($data['rules']);
- $sortid = $data['sortid'];
- $optionid = $data['optionid'];
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid] = array(
- 'title' => dhtmlspecialchars($data['title']),
- 'type' => dhtmlspecialchars($data['type']),
- 'unit' => dhtmlspecialchars($data['unit']),
- 'identifier' => dhtmlspecialchars($data['identifier']),
- 'description' => dhtmlspecialchars($data['description']),
- 'required' => intval($data['required']),
- 'unchangeable' => intval($data['unchangeable']),
- 'search' => intval($data['search']),
- 'subjectshow' => intval($data['subjectshow']),
- );
- if(in_array($data['type'], array('select', 'checkbox', 'radio'))) {
- if($data['rules']['choices']) {
- $choices = array();
- foreach(explode("\n", $data['rules']['choices']) as $item) {
- list($index, $choice) = explode('=', $item);
- $choices[trim($index)] = trim($choice);
- }
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid]['choices'] = $choices;
- } else {
- $typelist[$sortid][$optionid]['choices'] = array();
- }
- } elseif(in_array($data['type'], array('text', 'textarea'))) {
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid]['maxlength'] = intval($data['rules']['maxlength']);
- } elseif($data['type'] == 'image') {
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid]['maxwidth'] = intval($data['rules']['maxwidth']);
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid]['maxheight'] = intval($data['rules']['maxheight']);
- } elseif($data['type'] == 'number') {
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid]['maxnum'] = intval($data['rules']['maxnum']);
- $sortlist[$sortid][$optionid]['minnum'] = intval($data['rules']['minnum']);
- }
- }
- $query = $db->query("SELECT typeid, description, template, stemplate FROM {$tablepre}threadtypes WHERE special='1'");
- while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $templatedata[$data['typeid']] = $data['template'];
- $stemplatedata[$data['typeid']] = $data['stemplate'];
- $threaddesc[$data['typeid']] = dhtmlspecialchars($data['description']);
- }
- foreach($sortlist as $sortid => $option) {
- writetocache($sortid, '', "\$_DTYPE = ".arrayeval($option).";\n\n\$_DTYPETEMPLATE = "".str_replace('"', '"', $templatedata[$sortid])."";\n\n\$_DSTYPETEMPLATE = "".str_replace('"', '"', $stemplatedata[$sortid])."";\n", 'threadsort_');
- }
- }
- }
- // 这是css缓存文件生成需要的处理css背景颜色函数
- function setcssbackground(&$data, $code) {
- $codes = explode(' ', $data[$code]);
- $css = $codevalue = '';
- for($i = 0; $i < count($codes); $i++) {
- if($i < 2) {
- if($codes[$i] != '') {
- if($codes[$i]{0} == '#') {
- $css .= strtoupper($codes[$i]).' ';
- $codevalue = strtoupper($codes[$i]);
- } elseif(preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $codes[$i])) {
- $css .= 'url("'.$codes[$i].'") ';
- } else {
- $css .= 'url("'.$data['styleimgdir'].'/'.$codes[$i].'") ';
- }
- }
- } else {
- $css .= $codes[$i].' ';
- }
- }
- $data[$code] = $codevalue;
- $css = trim($css);
- return $css ? 'background: '.$css : '';
- }
- // 更新系统配置缓存
- function updatesettings() {
- global $_DCACHE;
- if(isset($_DCACHE['settings']) && is_array($_DCACHE['settings'])) {
- writetocache('settings', '', '$_DCACHE[\'settings\'] = '.arrayeval($_DCACHE['settings']).";\n\n");
- }
- }
- // 写入缓存文件, 详解一下.
- function writetocache($script, $cachenames, $cachedata = '', $prefix = 'cache_') {
- global $authkey;
- //假如$cachenames是数组,并且$cachedata为假
- if(is_array($cachenames) && !$cachedata) {
- foreach($cachenames as $name) {
- //赋予内置函数的指定标识, 即可有数据返回
- $cachedata .= getcachearray($name, $script);
- }
- }
- $dir = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/';
- //如果缓存目录不存在, 就生成一个.
- if(!is_dir($dir)) {
- @mkdir($dir, 0777);
- }
- if($fp = @fopen("$dir$prefix$script.php", 'wb')) {
- fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//Discuz! cache file, DO NOT modify me!".
- "\n//Created: ".date("M j, Y, G:i").
- "\n//Identify: ".md5($prefix.$script.'.php'.$cachedata.$authkey)."\n\n$cachedata?>");
- fclose($fp);
- } else {
- exit('Can not write to cache files, please check directory ./forumdata/ and ./forumdata/cache/ .');
- }
- }
- // 更新css缓存生成过程中, 里面的路径问题, 参数为css.htm的内容.
- function writetocsscache($data) {
- $cssdata = '';
- foreach(array('_common' => array('css_common', 'css_append'),
- '_special' => array('css_special', 'css_special_append'),
- '_wysiwyg' => array('css_wysiwyg', '_wysiwyg_append'),
- '_seditor' => array('css_seditor', 'css_seditor_append'),
- '_calendar' => array('css_calendar', 'css_calendar_append'),
- '_moderator' => array('css_moderator', 'css_moderator_append'),
- '_script' => array('css_script', 'css_script_append'),
- '_task_newbie' => array('css_task_newbie', 'css_task_newbie_append')
- ) as $extra => $cssfiles) {
- $cssdata = '';
- foreach($cssfiles as $css) {
- $cssfile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./'.$data['tpldir'].'/'.$css.'.htm';
- !file_exists($cssfile) && $cssfile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./templates/default/'.$css.'.htm';
- if(file_exists($cssfile)) {
- $fp = fopen($cssfile, 'r');
- $cssdata .= @fread($fp, filesize($cssfile))."\n\n";
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- $cssdata = preg_replace("/\{([A-Z0-9]+)\}/e", '\$data[strtolower(\'\1\')]', $cssdata);
- $cssdata = preg_replace("/<\?.+?\?>\s*/", '', $cssdata);
- $cssdata = !preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $data['styleimgdir']) ? str_replace("url("$data[styleimgdir]", "url("../../$data[styleimgdir]", $cssdata) : $cssdata;
- $cssdata = !preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $data['styleimgdir']) ? str_replace("url($data[styleimgdir]", "url(../../$data[styleimgdir]", $cssdata) : $cssdata;
- $cssdata = !preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $data['imgdir']) ? str_replace("url("$data[imgdir]", "url("../../$data[imgdir]", $cssdata) : $cssdata;
- $cssdata = !preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $data['imgdir']) ? str_replace("url($data[imgdir]", "url(../../$data[imgdir]", $cssdata) : $cssdata;
- if($extra != '_script') {
- $cssdata = preg_replace(array('/\s*([,;:\{\}])\s*/', '/[\t\n\r]/', '/\/\*.+?\*\//'), array('\\1', '',''), $cssdata);
- }
- if(@$fp = fopen(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/style_'.$data['styleid'].$extra.'.css', 'w')) {
- fwrite($fp, $cssdata);
- fclose($fp);
- } else {
- exit('Can not write to cache files, please check directory ./forumdata/ and ./forumdata/cache/ .');
- }
- }
- }
- // 将js文件复制到缓存目录.
- function writetojscache() {
- $dir = DISCUZ_ROOT.'include/js/';
- $dh = opendir($dir);
- $remove = array(
- '/(^|\r|\n)\/\*.+?(\r|\n)\*\/(\r|\n)/is',
- '/\/\/note.+?(\r|\n)/i',
- '/\/\/debug.+?(\r|\n)/i',
- '/(^|\r|\n)(\s|\t)+/',
- '/(\r|\n)/',
- );
- while(($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- if(fileext($entry) == 'js') {
- $jsfile = $dir.$entry;
- $fp = fopen($jsfile, 'r');
- $jsdata = @fread($fp, filesize($jsfile));
- fclose($fp);
- $jsdata = preg_replace($remove, '', $jsdata);
- if(@$fp = fopen(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/'.$entry, 'w')) {
- fwrite($fp, $jsdata);
- fclose($fp);
- } else {
- exit('Can not write to cache files, please check directory ./forumdata/ and ./forumdata/cache/ .');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //取得缓存数组, 内置. 标识名,及文件名.
- function getcachearray($cachename, $script = '') {
- global $db, $timestamp, $tablepre, $timeoffset, $maxbdays, $smcols, $smrows, $charset, $scriptlang;
- //省略上千代码.
- }
- //组成缓存文件需要的数据数组.
- function getcachevars($data, $type = 'VAR') {
- $evaluate = '';
- foreach($data as $key => $val) {
- if(!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/", $key)) {
- continue;
- }
- if(is_array($val)) {
- $evaluate .= "\$$key = ".arrayeval($val).";\n";
- } else {
- $val = addcslashes($val, '\'\\');
- $evaluate .= $type == 'VAR' ? "\$$key = '$val';\n" : "define('".strtoupper($key)."', '$val');\n";
- }
- }
- return $evaluate;
- }
- //取得广告设置的内容数组.
- function advertisement($range) {
- global $db, $tablepre, $timestamp;
- $advs = array();
- $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}advertisements WHERE available>'0' AND starttime<='$timestamp' ORDER BY displayorder");
- if($db->num_rows($query)) {
- while($adv = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- if(in_array($adv['type'], array('footerbanner', 'thread'))) {
- $parameters = unserialize($adv['parameters']);
- $position = isset($parameters['position']) && in_array($parameters['position'], array(2, 3)) ? $parameters['position'] : 1;
- $type = $adv['type'].$position;
- } else {
- $type = $adv['type'];
- }
- $adv['targets'] = in_array($adv['targets'], array('', 'all')) ? ($type == 'text' ? 'forum' : (substr($type, 0, 6) == 'thread' ? 'forum' : 'all')) : $adv['targets'];
- foreach(explode("\t", $adv['targets']) as $target) {
- if($range == 'index' && substr($target, 0, 3) == 'gid') {
- $advs['cat'][$type][substr($target, 3)][] = $adv['advid'];
- $advs['items'][$adv['advid']] = $adv['code'];
- }
- $target = $target == '0' || $type == 'intercat' ? 'index' : (in_array($target, array('all', 'index', 'forumdisplay', 'viewthread', 'register', 'redirect', 'archiver')) ? $target : ($target == 'forum' ? 'forum_all' : 'forum_'.$target));
- if((($range == 'forumdisplay' && !in_array($adv['type'], array('thread', 'interthread'))) || $range == 'viewthread') && substr($target, 0, 6) == 'forum_') {
- if($adv['type'] == 'thread') {
- foreach(isset($parameters['displayorder']) ? explode("\t", $parameters['displayorder']) : array('0') as $postcount) {
- $advs['type'][$type.'_'.$postcount][$target][] = $adv['advid'];
- }
- } else {
- $advs['type'][$type][$target][] = $adv['advid'];
- }
- $advs['items'][$adv['advid']] = $adv['code'];
- } elseif($range == 'all' && in_array($target, array('all', 'redirect'))) {
- $advs[$target]['type'][$type][] = $adv['advid'];
- $advs[$target]['items'][$adv['advid']] = $adv['code'];
- } elseif($range == 'index' && $type == 'intercat') {
- $parameters = unserialize($adv['parameters']);
- foreach(is_array($parameters['position']) ? $parameters['position'] : array('0') as $position) {
- $advs['type'][$type][$position][] = $adv['advid'];
- $advs['items'][$adv['advid']] = $adv['code'];
- }
- } elseif($target == $range || ($range == 'index' && $target == 'forum_all' && $type == 'text')) {
- $advs['type'][$type][] = $adv['advid'];
- $advs['items'][$adv['advid']] = $adv['code'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $advs;
- }
- // 简单判断.
- function pluginmodulecmp($a, $b) {
- return $a['displayorder'] > $b['displayorder'] ? 1 : -1;
- }
- // 计算长宽的函数
- function smthumb($size, $smthumb = 50) {
- if($size[0] <= $smthumb && $size[1] <= $smthumb) {
- return array('w' => $size[0], 'h' => $size[1]);
- }
- $sm = array();
- $x_ratio = $smthumb / $size[0];
- $y_ratio = $smthumb / $size[1];
- if(($x_ratio * $size[1]) < $smthumb) {
- $sm['h'] = ceil($x_ratio * $size[1]);
- $sm['w'] = $smthumb;
- } else {
- $sm['w'] = ceil($y_ratio * $size[0]);
- $sm['h'] = $smthumb;
- }
- return $sm;
- }
- // 处理缓存生成时部分内容样式的解析
- function parsehighlight($highlight) {
- if($highlight) {
- $colorarray = array('', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple', 'gray');
- $string = sprintf('%02d', $highlight);
- $stylestr = sprintf('%03b', $string[0]);
- $style = ' style="';
- $style .= $stylestr[0] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '';
- $style .= $stylestr[1] ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
- $style .= $stylestr[2] ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : '';
- $style .= $string[1] ? 'color: '.$colorarray[$string[1]] : '';
- $style .= '"';
- } else {
- $style = '';
- }
- return $style;
- }
- // 这就是传说的array的立体型输出.
- function arrayeval($array, $level = 0) {
- if(!is_array($array)) {
- return "'".$array."'";
- }
- if(is_array($array) && function_exists('var_export')) {
- return var_export($array, true);
- }
- $space = '';
- for($i = 0; $i <= $level; $i++) {
- $space .= "\t";
- }
- $evaluate = "Array\n$space(\n";
- $comma = $space;
- if(is_array($array)) {
- foreach($array as $key => $val) {
- $key = is_string($key) ? '\''.addcslashes($key, '\'\\').'\'' : $key;
- $val = !is_array($val) && (!preg_match("/^\-?[1-9]\d*$/", $val) || strlen($val) > 12) ? '\''.addcslashes($val, '\'\\').'\'' : $val;
- if(is_array($val)) {
- $evaluate .= "$comma$key => ".arrayeval($val, $level + 1);
- } else {
- $evaluate .= "$comma$key => $val";
- }
- $comma = ",\n$space";
- }
- }
- $evaluate .= "\n$space)";
- return $evaluate;
- }
- ?>
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