本帖最后由 u420 于 2010-9-12 14:36 编辑
Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
User: Broken、
Time: 2009-12-22 8:56pm
Script: /index.php
SQL: SELECT f.fid, f.name AS forumname, t.tid, t.author, t.authorid, t.subject, t.dateline, t.lastpost, t.lastposter, t.views, t.replies, t.attachment, t.highlight
FROM [Table]threads t LEFT JOIN [Table]forums f USING(fid)
WHERE f.fid=t.fid AND f.status=1 AND f.fid NOT IN(0) AND t.displayorder NOT IN(-1,-2) AND f.fid IN('2','16','13','35','36','7','23','3','28','30','31','32','33','39','21','38','6','18')
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0,10;
Error: Can't create/write to file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\#sql_f9c_1.MYI' (Errcode: 17)
Errno.: 1
Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.
到 http://faq.comsenz.com 搜索此错误的解决方案
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