本帖最后由 瞬间视觉 于 2011-3-5 23:55 编辑
Discuz! Database Error | The database has encountered a problem. Need Help? |
| Error messages: |
- [Type] 查询语句错误
- [1054] Unknown column 't.fid' in 'on clause'
- [Query] SELECT attach.*,t.tid,t.author,t.authorid,t.subject , f.name groupname FROM `forum_attachment` attach LEFT JOIN forum_forum f ON t.fid=f.fid LEFT JOIN forum_forumfield ff ON f.fid = ff.fid INNER JOIN `forum_thread` t ON `t`.`tid`=`attach`.`tid` AND `displayorder`>='0' WHERE `attach`.`dateline`>='1290700343' AND `attach`.`readperm`='0' AND `attach`.`price`='0' AND t.isgroup='1'AND `attach`.`isimage` IN ('1', '-1') ORDER BY `attach`.`dateline` DESC LIMIT 0,4;
| | Program messages: |
- [Line: 0034]group.php(require)
- [Line: 0140]source\module\group\group_index.php(include)
- [Line: 0423]data\template\1_diy_group_index.tpl.php(output)
- [Line: 1022]source\function\function_core.php(block_updatecache)
- [Line: 0204]source\function\function_block.php(block_groupattachment->getdata)
- [Line: 0298]source\class\block\group\block_groupattachment.php(DB->query)
- [Line: 0837]source\class\class_core.php(DB->_execute)
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