2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> UserDB连接字符串:DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=;DATABASE=bbsftp;UID=root WD=123; OPTION=3
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> PlusDB连接字符串:DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=;DATABASE=bbsftp;UID=root WD=123; OPTION=3
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> 连接UserDB成功!
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> PlusDB与UserDB使用同一个数据库!
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> 连接PlusDB成功!
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> Loading bbsftp Setting...!
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> Loading Default UserSetting...!
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> PasswordType: Md532 2
2006-1-14 16:54:14 -> bbsftp loaded!
2006-1-14 17:13:36 ->
[MySQL]num:80040e21,IDispatch error #3105[Description: ODBC 驱动程序不支持所需的属性。
State: (null), Native: 0, Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
],([select * from FtpUserDown where UserName='Anonymous' and FTP=''])
2006-1-14 17:13:36 ->
[MySQL]num:80040e21,IDispatch error #3105[Description: ODBC 驱动程序不支持所需的属性。
State: (null), Native: 0, Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
],([select * from FtpLog_Statistic])
2006-1-14 17:14:4 -> Try to reconnect databse |