通过与anln888咨询 得到了他的加强功能的优化修改方法:
1. include/cache.func.php 加入紅字
case newtopic:
$table = 'threads t';
$cols = "t.tid, t.typeid, t.subject, t.author, t.dateline, t.views, t.replies, t.lastpost, t.lastposter, t.highlight, f.name, tt.name AS idname";
$fids="填上需要显示发新帖区域的 fid 编号, 以逗号作分格, 最后一个不用加上逗号";//自定義
$conditions = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}threadtypes tt ON (tt.typeid=t.typeid) LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forums f ON (f.fid=t.fid) WHERE t.fid<>'$fid' AND f.fid IN ($fids) ORDER BY t.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 11";
case newreply:
$table = 'threads t';
$cols = "t.tid, t.typeid, t.subject, t.author, t.dateline, t.views, t.replies, t.lastpost, t.lastposter, t.highlight, f.name, tt.name AS idname";
$fids="填上需要显示发新帖区域的 fid 编号, 以逗号作分格, 最后一个不用加上逗号";//自定義
$conditions = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}threadtypes tt ON (tt.typeid=t.typeid) LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forums f ON (f.fid=t.fid) WHERE t.fid<>'$fid' AND f.fid IN ($fids) AND t.replies !=0 ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, 11";
foruminfo 模板
改 2 處 加入紅字
{if $nthread['idname']}[{$nthread['idname']}]{/if}$nthread[view_subject]</a><br>
改 1 處 加入紅字
{if $rthread['idname']}[{$rthread['idname']}]{/if}$rthread[view_subject]</a><br>
[ 本帖最后由 123223 于 2006-2-9 20:17 编辑 ] |