Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
User: admin
Time: 2006-4-17 6:47pm
Script: /bbs/post.php
SQL: INSERT INTO cdb_posts (fid, tid, first, author, authorid, subject, dateline, message, useip, invisible, anonymous, usesig, htmlon, bbcodeoff, ''
, smileyoff, parseurloff, attachment)
VALUES ('7', '62', '1', 'admin', '1', 'g dfgdgdf g', '1145270856', 'gvfg sdfg dfgdf', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '-1', '-1', '', '0')
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''
, smileyoff, parseurloff, attachment)
VALUES ('7', '62', '1', 'admin', '1',' at line 1
Errno.: 1064
An error report has been dispatched to our administrator.
为什么不能发表帖子了???只能回复帖子,还有就是多了发帖子的时候有发布音乐的框,怎么解决啊?数据库我也升级了啊! |