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尊敬的站长,感谢您使用 安全联盟站长平台 安全预警服务<br />
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基本信息:<br />
网站:www..cn<;br />
预警时间:2014-02-25<br />
<br />
<br />
详细说明:<br />
网站组件(Discuz!)存在漏洞: <p>近日,Discuz!X出现了储存型跨站脚本(XSS)漏洞,据悉该漏洞影响“X1-X3.1版本”。目前官方已确认该漏洞存在,请站长们密切关注官方动态及时打补丁。</p>
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如果您因技术原因无法解决漏洞问题,可登录<a href= "http://scf.sohu.com/track/cTrack.do?m=MTM5MzI5NzcyNzg3OV8wXzcyM184ODE2LnNjLTEwXzEwXzEyNl8yMjEtaW5ib3VuZDAkMTUzNTk1NjEyQHFxLmNvbV9zcGxpdDIwMTJfNjEzOTVfc3BsaXQyMDEyXzEwNjQxX3NwbGl0MjAxMl8xMzkzMjk3NzI3OTQ3X3NwbGl0MjAxMl8w&p=b220d007225536262ce3318f33840899" target="_blank" >”安全联盟站长平台官方论坛“></a>求助, 同时可以通过修复专家为您提供帮助。您还可以使用<a href= "http://scf.sohu.com/track/cTrack.do?m=MTM5MzI5NzcyNzg3OV8wXzcyM184ODE2LnNjLTEwXzEwXzEyNl8yMjEtaW5ib3VuZDAkMTUzNTk1NjEyQHFxLmNvbV9zcGxpdDIwMTJfNjEzOTVfc3BsaXQyMDEyXzEwNjQxX3NwbGl0MjAxMl8xMzkzMjk3NzI3OTQ3X3NwbGl0MjAxMl8w&p=f48a2d20f28b00c002e2dace0b52824a" target="_blank" >加速乐</a>一键防御 <br />
如果您的网站需要申诉解封,请到<a href= "http://scf.sohu.com/track/cTrack.do?m=MTM5MzI5NzcyNzg3OV8wXzcyM184ODE2LnNjLTEwXzEwXzEyNl8yMjEtaW5ib3VuZDAkMTUzNTk1NjEyQHFxLmNvbV9zcGxpdDIwMTJfNjEzOTVfc3BsaXQyMDEyXzEwNjQxX3NwbGl0MjAxMl8xMzkzMjk3NzI3OTQ4X3NwbGl0MjAxMl8w&p=51a3bb1bb030bb107c58ee0c3c46e7ea" target="_blank" >安全联盟</a>进行相关操作。<br/>
您可以关注我们的<a href= "http://scf.sohu.com/track/cTrack.do?m=MTM5MzI5NzcyNzg3OV8wXzcyM184ODE2LnNjLTEwXzEwXzEyNl8yMjEtaW5ib3VuZDAkMTUzNTk1NjEyQHFxLmNvbV9zcGxpdDIwMTJfNjEzOTVfc3BsaXQyMDEyXzEwNjQxX3NwbGl0MjAxMl8xMzkzMjk3NzI3OTQ4X3NwbGl0MjAxMl8w&p=f57f2696ed51b7e60e5ea2fade256934" target="_blank" >官方微博</a>,获取最新的安全动态。 <br />
如果您对我们有什么建议,您可以关注我们的官方QQ群126020287或登录<a href= "http://scf.sohu.com/track/cTrack.do?m=MTM5MzI5NzcyNzg3OV8wXzcyM184ODE2LnNjLTEwXzEwXzEyNl8yMjEtaW5ib3VuZDAkMTUzNTk1NjEyQHFxLmNvbV9zcGxpdDIwMTJfNjEzOTVfc3BsaXQyMDEyXzEwNjQxX3NwbGl0MjAxMl8xMzkzMjk3NzI3OTQ4X3NwbGl0MjAxMl8w&p=91cd12cd44454a132fc43e64c23035fa" target="_blank" >官方论坛</a>。
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