





8nbbs 发表于 2006-8-29 15:50:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我把mysql的端口默认的3306 /6033 修改成999


# Discuz!EXP MySQL Configuration File.
# This file was generated by Nanu (Comsenz Inc.)
# NOTICE: If you want Discuz!EXP play a role of server, Please adjust the following variables
#         to enhance the performance of MySQL.
port = 999
default-character-set = latin1
basedir = "C:\Discuz!EXP\MySQL5"
datadir = "C:\Discuz!EXP\MySQL5\data"
#bind-address =
port = 999
server-id = 1
default-character-set = latin1
default-storage-engine = MYISAM
key_buffer_size = 12M
max_connections = 16
max_allowed_packet = 2M
thread_cache = 32
table_cache = 16
sort_buffer_size = 256K
read_buffer_size = 64K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 256K
join_buffer_size = 256M
query_cache_size = 512K
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
thread_concurrency =4
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 4M
myisam_max_sort_file_size = 100G
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size = 100G
max_allowed_packet = 16M
# Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL
sort_buffer = 64M
read_buffer = 4M
write_buffer = 4M


[DISCUZ!] config.inc.php - basically configuration of Discuz! Board
This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
// [EN] Set below parameters according to your account information provided by your hosting
// [CH] 以下变量请根据空间商提供的账号参数修改,如有疑问,请联系服务器提供商
$dbhost = 'localhost:999';   // database server
      // 数据库服务器
$dbuser = '8nbbs';   // database username
      // 数据库用户名
$dbpw = '8nbbs88';   // database password
      // 数据库密码
$dbname = 'sq_8nbbs';   // database name
      // 数据库名
$adminemail = [email=]'admin@your.com'[/email];  // admin email
      // 论坛系统 Email
$dbreport = 0;    // send db error report? 1=yes
      // 是否发送数据库错误报告? 0=否, 1=是

// [EN] If you have problems logging in Discuz!, then modify the following parameters, else please leave default
// [CH] 如您对 cookie 作用范围有特殊要求,或论坛登录不正常,请修改下面变量,否则请保持默认
$cookiedomain = '';    // cookie domain
      // cookie 作用域
$cookiepath = '/';   // cookie path
      // cookie 作用路径

// [EN] Special parameters, DO NOT modify these unless you are an expert in Discuz!
// [CH] 以下变量为特别选项,一般情况下没有必要修改
$headercharset = 0;   // force outputing charset header
      // 强制设置字符集,只乱码时使用
$errorreport = 1;   // reporting php error, 0=only report to admins(safer), 1=report to all
      // 是否报告 PHP 错误, 0=只报告给管理员和版主(更安全), 1=报告给任何人
$forcesecques = 0;   // require security question for administrators' control panel, 0=off, 1=on
      // 管理人员必须设置安全提问才能进入系统设置, 0=否, 1=是
$onlinehold = 900;   // time span of online recording
      // 在线保持时间
$pconnect = 0;    // persistent database connection, 0=off, 1=on
      // 数据库持久连接 0=关闭, 1=打开

// [EN] !ATTENTION! Do NOT modify following after your board was settle down
// [CH] 论坛投入使用后不能修改的变量
$tablepre = 'cdb_';      // 表名前缀, 同一数据库安装多个论坛请修改此处
      // table prefix, modify this when you are installingmore than 1 Discuz! in the same database.
$attachdir = './attachments';  // 附件保存位置 (服务器路径, 属性 777, 必须为 web 可访问到的目录, 不加 "/", 相对目录务必以 "./" 开头)
      // attachments saving dir. (chmod to 777, visual web dir only, ending without slash
$attachurl = 'attachments';  // 附件路径 URL 地址 (可为当前 URL 下的相对地址或 http:// 开头的绝对地址, 不加 "/")

// [EN] !ATTENTION! Preservation or debugging for developing
// [CH] 切勿修改以下变量,仅供程序开发调试用!
$database = 'mysql';   // 'mysql' for MySQL version and 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL version
      // MySQL 版本请设置 'mysql', PgSQL 版本请设置 'pgsql'
$dbcharset = '';   // default database character set, 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf8', 'latin1' and blank are available
      // MySQL 字符集, 可选 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf8', 'latin1', 留空为按照论坛字符集设定
$charset = 'gbk';   // default character set, 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf-8' are available
      // 论坛默认字符集, 可选 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf-8'
$attackevasive = 0;   // protect against attacks via common request, 0=off, 1=cookie refresh limitation, 2=deny proxy request, 3=both
      // 防护大量正常请求造成的拒绝服务攻击, 0=关闭, 1=cookie 刷新限制, 2=限制代理访问, 3=cookie+代理限制
$tplrefresh = 1;   // auto check validation of templates, 0=off, 1=on
      // 模板自动刷新开关 0=关闭, 1=打开
// ============================================================================
yeziwanlove 发表于 2006-8-29 19:51:44 | 显示全部楼层
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