Time: 2007-5-14 1:02pm
Script: /bbs/magic.php
SQL: INSERT INTO [Table]pms (msgfrom, msgfromid, msgtoid, folder, new, subject, dateline, message)
VALUES ('灾难署', '23', '37', 'inbox', '1', '∵锋芝多彩∴ → Nic&Ceci's Fans Club 灾难通知书', '1179118945', '您的主题献给我们伟大的圣母玛利亚——柏芝的母亲节礼物遭到了天灾人祸[枪]。
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Fans Club 灾难通知书', '1179118945', '您的主题[url=http://www
Errno.: 1064
Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.
这是什么错误??? |