鼠标移动到主题显示最后回复内容 for dz5.x、dz6.0[更新适合 foxfire]
5.0查找(此步查找不到请按5.5的方法)- $dotadd1 = $dotadd2 = '';
- if($dotfolders && $discuz_uid) {
- $dotadd1 = 'DISTINCT p.authorid AS dotauthor, ';
- $dotadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}posts p ON (t.tid=p.tid AND p.authorid='$discuz_uid')";
- }
复制代码 改为:- //e_zailai----鼠标指向主题表格时显示最后回复等内容--------开始
- $dotadd1 = $dotadd2 = '';
- if($dotfolders && $discuz_uid) {
- $dotadd1 = "DISTINCT p.authorid AS dotauthor, p.subject AS re_subject, p.message, ";
- $dotadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}posts p ON (t.tid=p.tid AND p.authorid='$discuz_uid')";
- }else {
- $dotadd1 = "p.subject AS re_subject, p.message, ";
- $dotadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}posts p ON (t.tid=p.tid AND t.lastpost=p.dateline)";
- }
- //e_zailai----鼠标指向主题表格时显示最后回复等内容--------结束
复制代码 5.5 与 6.0查找:- if($whosonlinestatus == 2 || $whosonlinestatus == 3) {
复制代码 上面添加:- //e_zailai----鼠标指向主题表格时显示最后回复等内容--------开始
- $dotadd1 = $dotadd2 = '';
- if($dotfolders && $discuz_uid) {
- $dotadd1 = "DISTINCT p.authorid AS dotauthor, p.subject AS re_subject, p.message, ";
- $dotadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}posts p ON (t.tid=p.tid AND p.authorid='$discuz_uid')";
- }else {
- $dotadd1 = "p.subject AS re_subject, p.message, ";
- $dotadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}posts p ON (t.tid=p.tid AND t.lastpost=p.dateline)";
- }
- //e_zailai----鼠标指向主题表格时显示最后回复等内容--------结束
复制代码 查找:- $thread['lastpost'] = gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $thread['lastpost'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
复制代码 添加:- //e_zailai----鼠标指向主题表格时显示最后回复等内容--------开始
- if($forum['viewperm'] && !forumperm($forum['viewperm']) && !$forum['allowview']) {
- $thread['message'] = "谢谢您的访问!由于权限不够,您仅可浏览本版主题标题。";
- } elseif($thread['creditsrequire'] && $thread['creditsrequire'] > $credit && !$ismoderator) {
- include language('messages');
- eval("\$show_message = "".$language[thread_nopermission]."";");
- $thread['message'] = $show_message;
- } else {
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[hide=?\d*\](.+?)\[\/hide\]/is", "**** 回复后才可查看信息 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[sell=?\d*\](.+?)\[\/sell\]/is", "**** 付費信息,已經隱藏 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[php](.+?)\[\/php\]/is", "**** 内容为PHP代码 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[code](.+?)\[\/code\]/is", "**** 内容为普通代码 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[quote](.+?)\[\/quote\]/is", "**** 内容为引用信息 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[url=?(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/url\]/is", "**** 此处为超级链接 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = preg_replace("/\[img](.+?)\[\/img\]/is", "**** 此处为图片链接 *****", $thread['message'] );
- $thread['message'] = str_replace('"', '"', $thread['message']);
- $thread['message'] = str_replace('<', '<', $thread['message']);
- $thread['message'] = str_replace('>', '>', $thread['message']);
- $thread['message'] = str_replace("\r\n", " ◇ ", $thread['message']); //去掉回车,紧凑显示
- $thread['message'] = cutstr($thread['message'],60); //内容截断
- }
- if($thread[replies]) {
- $thread['shortmsg'] = '<b>主题:'.$thread[subject].'</b>
- <b>回复:</b>'.$thread[re_subject].'
- <font color=red>'.$thread[message].'</font>'.'
- <font class=numtxt>最后发表:'.$thread[lastposter].'
- 主题作者:'.$thread[author].' 发表时间:'.$thread[dateline].'</font>';
- } else {
- $thread['shortmsg'] = '<b>主题:'.$thread[subject].'</b>
- <font color=red>'.$thread[message].'</font>'.'
- 主题作者:'.$thread[author].' 发表时间:'.$thread[dateline].'</font>';
- }
- //e_zailai----鼠标指向主题表格时显示最后回复等内容--------结束
复制代码 [如果您安装过全论坛置顶HACK直接进行第二步]
5.x与6.0都查找- $query = $db->query("SELECT t.* FROM {$tablepre}threads t
复制代码 修改为- /*$query = $db->query("SELECT t.* FROM {$tablepre}threads t*/
- $query = $db->query("SELECT $dotadd1 t.* FROM {$tablepre}threads t $dotadd2
复制代码 2.修改forumdisplay.htm
5.x查找:- <a href="viewthread.php?tid=$thread[tid]&extra=$extra"
复制代码 6.0查找:- <a href="viewthread.php?tid=$thread[tid]&extra=$extra"
复制代码 添加:- title="$thread[shortmsg]"
复制代码 3.修改common.js
5.0找到[更新]- document.write("<style type='text/css'id='defaultPopStyle'>");
- document.write(".cPopText { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; background-color: #FFFFCC; border: 1px #000000 solid; font-size: 12px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; line-height: 18px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; visibility: hidden; filter: Alpha(Opacity=80)}");
- document.write("</style>");
- document.write("<div id='popLayer' style='position:absolute;z-index:1000' class='cPopText'></div>");
- function showPopupText(event) {
- if(event.srcElement) o = event.srcElement; else o = event.target;
- if(!o) {
- return;
- }
- MouseX = event.clientX;
- MouseY = event.clientY;
- if(o.alt != null && o.alt != '') {
- o.pop = o.alt;
- o.alt = '';
- }
- if(o.title != null && o.title != '') {
- o.pop = o.title;
- o.title = '';
- }
- if(o.pop != sPop) {
- sPop = o.pop;
- if(sPop == null || sPop == '') {
- $('popLayer').style.visibility = "hidden";
- } else {
- popStyle = o.dyclass != null ? o.dyclass : 'cPopText';
- $('popLayer').style.visibility = "visible";
- showIt();
- }
- }
- }
- function showIt() {
- $('popLayer').className = popStyle;
- $('popLayer').innerHTML = sPop.replace(/<(.*)>/g,"<$1>").replace(/\n/g,"
- ");
- var popWidth = $('popLayer').clientWidth;
- var popHeight = $('popLayer').clientHeight;
- var popLeftAdjust = MouseX + 12 + popWidth > document.body.clientWidth ? -popWidth - 24 : 0;
- var popTopAdjust = MouseY + 12 + popHeight > document.body.clientHeight ? -popHeight - 24 : 0;
- $('popLayer').style.left = (MouseX + 12 + document.body.scrollLeft + popLeftAdjust) + 'px';
- $('popLayer').style.top = (MouseY + 12 + document.body.scrollTop + popTopAdjust) + 'px';
- }
复制代码 用下面代码替换- document.write("<style type='text/css'>");
- document.write(".cPopText { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px #666666 dotted; font-size: 12px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; line-height: 18px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; visibility: hidden; filter: Alpha(Opacity=80); opacity: 0.8;}");
- document.write("</style>");
- document.write("<div id='popLayer' style='position:absolute;z-index:1000' class='cPopText'></div>")
- function showPopupText(event) {
- if(event.srcElement) o = event.srcElement; else o = event.target;
- if(!o) {
- return;
- }
- MouseX = event.clientX;
- MouseY = event.clientY;
- if(o.alt != null && o.alt != '') {
- o.pop = o.alt;
- o.alt = '';
- }
- if(o.title != null && o.title != '') {
- o.pop = o.title;
- o.title = '';
- }
- if(o.pop != sPop) {
- sPop = o.pop;
- if(sPop == null || sPop == '') {
- $('popLayer').style.visibility = "hidden";
- } else {
- popStyle = o.dyclass != null ? o.dyclass : 'cPopText';
- $('popLayer').style.visibility = "visible";
- showIt();
- }
- }
- }
- function showIt() {
- $('popLayer').className = popStyle;
- $('popLayer').innerHTML = sPop.replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/\n/g,"
- ");
- var bodySL, bodyST;
- if(window.pageXOffset){
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- bodySL=document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
- }else if(document.body){
- bodySL=document.body.scrollLeft; //author: meizz
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- bodyST=document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- }else if(document.body){
- bodyST=document.body.scrollTop;
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- var bodyCW, bodyCH;
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- }else if(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.clientWidth){
- bodyCW=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
- }else if(document.body){
- bodyCW=document.body.clientWidth; //author: meizz
- }
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- bodyCH=window.innerHeight;
- }else if(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.clientHeight){
- bodyCH=document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- }else if(document.body){
- bodyCH=document.body.clientHeight;
- }
- if($('popLayer').clientWidth>300){
- var popWidth = 300;
- }else{
- var popWidth = $('popLayer').clientWidth;
- }
- var popWidth = $('popLayer').clientWidth;
- var popHeight = $('popLayer').clientHeight;
- var popLeftAdjust = MouseX + 12 + popWidth > bodyCW ? -popWidth - 24 : 0;
- var popTopAdjust = MouseY + 12 + popHeight > bodyCH ? -popHeight - 24 : 0;
- $('popLayer').style.left = (MouseX + 12 + bodySL + popLeftAdjust) + 'px';
- $('popLayer').style.top = (MouseY + 12 + bodyST + popTopAdjust) + 'px';
- }
- if(!document.onmouseover) {
- document.onmouseover = function(e) {
- var event = e ? e : window.event;
- showPopupText(event);
- };
- }
复制代码 5.5、6.0在最底加入(5.0如果没有也需加上)[修正 for foxfire]- document.write("<style type='text/css'>");
- document.write(".cPopText { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; background-color: #DDEEFF; border: 1px #8899AA dashed; font-size: 12px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; line-height: 18px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; visibility: hidden; filter: Alpha(Opacity=80); opacity: 0.8;}");
- document.write("</style>");
- document.write("<div id='popLayer' style='position:absolute;z-index:1000' class='cPopText'></div>")
- function showPopupText(event) {
- if(event.srcElement) o = event.srcElement; else o = event.target;
- if(!o) {
- return;
- }
- MouseX = event.clientX;
- MouseY = event.clientY;
- if(o.alt != null && o.alt != '') {
- o.pop = o.alt;
- o.alt = '';
- }
- if(o.title != null && o.title != '') {
- o.pop = o.title;
- o.title = '';
- }
- if(o.pop != sPop) {
- sPop = o.pop;
- if(sPop == null || sPop == '') {
- $('popLayer').style.visibility = "hidden";
- } else {
- popStyle = o.dyclass != null ? o.dyclass : 'cPopText';
- $('popLayer').style.visibility = "visible";
- showIt();
- }
- }
- }
- function showIt() {
- $('popLayer').className = popStyle;
- $('popLayer').innerHTML = sPop.replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/\n/g,"
- ");
- var bodySL, bodyST;
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- }else if(document.body){
- bodySL=document.body.scrollLeft; //author: meizz
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- bodyST=document.documentElement.scrollTop;
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- var bodyCW, bodyCH;
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- bodyCW=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
- }else if(document.body){
- bodyCW=document.body.clientWidth; //author: meizz
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- bodyCH=document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- }else if(document.body){
- bodyCH=document.body.clientHeight;
- }
- if($('popLayer').clientWidth>300){
- var popWidth = 300;
- }else{
- var popWidth = $('popLayer').clientWidth;
- }
- var popWidth = $('popLayer').clientWidth;
- var popHeight = $('popLayer').clientHeight;
- var popLeftAdjust = MouseX + 12 + popWidth > bodyCW ? -popWidth - 24 : 0;
- var popTopAdjust = MouseY + 12 + popHeight > bodyCH ? -popHeight - 24 : 0;
- $('popLayer').style.left = (MouseX + 12 + bodySL + popLeftAdjust) + 'px';
- $('popLayer').style.top = (MouseY + 12 + bodyST + popTopAdjust) + 'px';
- }
- if(!document.onmouseover) {
- document.onmouseover = function(e) {
- var event = e ? e : window.event;
- showPopupText(event);
- };
- }
复制代码 以下内容看情况再修改(扩大鼠标反应区域至表格)
5.0查找:- <table cellspacing="{INNERBORDERWIDTH}" cellpadding="{TABLESPACE}" class="row" onMouseOver="this.className='row1'" onMouseOut="this.className='row'"
复制代码 5.5查找:- <table cellspacing="{INNERBORDERWIDTH}" cellpadding="{TABLESPACE}" class="row" onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='{ALTBG1}'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='{ALTBG2}'"
复制代码 6.0查找:- <table summary="forum_$fid" id="forum_$fid" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
复制代码 添加:- title="$thread[shortmsg]"
[ 本帖最后由 e_zailai 于 2007-11-27 22:07 编辑 ] |