SELECT t.*,a.* FROM discuz1.cdb_threads t INNER JOIN discuz1.cdb_attachments a ON t.tid=a.tid WHERE a.isimage=1 and t.attachment=1 group by t.tid ORDER BY t.views DESC
discuz1.cdb_threads,discuz1.cdb_attachments 这两个为主题表和附件表,discuz1为我的论坛数据库,cdb为数据表前缀,threads和attachments就不用我说了。
ORDER BY t.views DESC:按查看数递减排列,
SQL语句:SELECT t.*,a.* FROM discuz1.cdb_threads t INNER JOIN discuz1.cdb_attachments a ON t.tid=a.tid WHERE a.isimage=1 and t.attachment=1 group by t.tid ORDER BY t.views DESC