使用道具 举报
樓主 安裝出現問題了== Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error User: 林敬伟 Time: 2008-12-14 3:21am Script: /marryset.php SQL: CREATE TABLE `cdb_jhzhufu` ( `ID` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_ ... 肥爺 发表于 2008-12-14 03:27
求婚时会报错。 User: 笑天V深夜 Time: 2008-12-16 9:50am Script: /plugin.php SQL: SELECT * from qiuhun where dlg='0' and (username='笑天V深夜' or tousername='笑天V深夜') Error: Illegal mix of col ... ygb9611 发表于 2008-12-16 09:54
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