- <?php
- /*
- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :: [DISCUZ!] Crossday Discuz! Board ::
- :: (c) 2001-2005 Comsenz Technology Ltd ( ::
- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :: Author: Crossday ( Cnteacher ( ::
- :: Version: 2.5F 2004/10/01 05:15 ::
- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- */
- //fix: BY pk0909
- /*
- 1 そ???硈钡拜肈
- 2 accessmask?拜肈
- */
- define('CURRSCRIPT', 'forumdisplay');
- require './include/common.php';
- require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/forum.php';
- $discuz_action = 2;
- if(isset($showoldetails)) {
- switch ($showoldetails) {
- case 'no': setcookie('onlinedetail', 0, $timestamp + 86400 * 365, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain); break;
- case 'yes': setcookie('onlinedetail', 1, $timestamp + 86400 * 365, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain); break;
- }
- } else {
- $showoldetails = false;
- }
- if(!$forum['fid'] || $forum['type'] == 'group' || ($adminid<>1 && !$forum[status])) {
- showmessage('forum_nonexistence', NULL, 'HALTED');
- }
- if($forum['type'] == 'forum') {
- $navigation = "» $forum[name]";
- $navtitle = ' - '.strip_tags($forum['name']);
- } else {
- $forumup = $_DCACHE['forums'][$forum['fup']]['name'];
- $navigation = "» <a href="forumdisplay.php?fid=$forum[fup]">$forumup</a> » $forum[name]";
- $navtitle = ' - '.strip_tags($forumup).' - '.strip_tags($forum['name']);
- }
- if($forum['password'] && $action == 'pwverify') {
- if($pw != $forum['password']) {
- showmessage('forum_passwd_incorrect', NULL, 'HALTED');
- } else {
- setcookie("fidpw$fid", $pw, 0, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain);
- showmessage('forum_passwd_correct', "forumdisplay.php?fid=$fid");
- }
- }
- if($forum['viewperm'] && !strstr($forum['viewperm'], "\t$groupid\t") && !$forum['allowview']) {
- showmessage('forum_nopermission', NULL, 'HALTED');
- }
- if(!empty($forum['password']) && $forum['password'] != $_COOKIE["fidpw$fid"]) {
- include template('forumdisplay_passwd');
- exit();
- }
- $ismoderator = modcheck($discuz_user);
- $moderatedby = moddisplay($forum['moderator'], 'forumdisplay');
- $postcredits = $forum['postcredits'] != -1 ? $forum['postcredits'] : $postcredits;
- $replycredits = $forum['replycredits'] != -1 ? $forum['replycredits'] : $replycredits;
- $subexists = 0;
- foreach($_DCACHE['forums'] as $sub) {
- if($sub['type'] == 'sub' && $sub['fup'] == $fid && ($accessmasks || !$hideprivate || !$sub['viewperm'] || strstr($sub['viewperm'], "\t$groupid\t") || strstr($sub['users'], "\t$discuz_uid\t"))) {
- $sublist = array();
- $sql = $accessmasks ? "SELECT f.fid, f.fup, f.type, f.icon,, f.description, f.moderator, f.threads, f.posts, f.lastpost, f.viewperm, a.allowview FROM $table_forums f
- LEFT JOIN $table_access a ON a.uid='$discuz_uid' AND a.fid=f.fid
- WHERE fup='$fid' AND status='1' AND type='sub' ORDER BY f.displayorder"
- : "SELECT fid, fup, type, icon, name, description, moderator, threads, posts, lastpost, viewperm FROM $table_forums WHERE fup='$fid' AND status='1' AND type='sub' ORDER BY displayorder";
- $query = $db->query($sql);
- while($sub = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- if(forum($sub)) {
- $sublist[] = $sub;
- $subexists = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- $page = intval($page) ? intval($page) : 1;
- $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $tpp;
- $announcement_list = array();
- if($page == 1 && $_DCACHE['announcements_forum']) {
- foreach($_DCACHE['announcements_forum'] as $ann) {
- $ann['authorencode'] = rawurlencode($ann['author']);
- $ann['starttime'] = gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $ann['starttime'] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
- $announcement_list[] = $ann ;
- }
- }
- $forumdisplayadd = $filteradd = '';
- if(!empty($filter)) {
- if(is_numeric($filter)) {
- $forumdisplayadd .= "&filter=$filter";
- $filteradd = "AND lastpost>='".($timestamp - $filter)."'";
- } elseif($filter == 'digest') {
- $forumdisplayadd .= "&filter=digest";
- $filteradd = "AND digest>'0'";
- }
- } else {
- $filter = '';
- }
- $ascdesc == 'ASC' ? $forumdisplayadd .= "&ascdesc=$ascdesc" : $ascdesc = 'DESC';
- if($whosonlinestatus == 2 || $whosonlinestatus == 3) {
- $whosonlinestatus = 0;
- $onlineinfo = explode("\t", $onlinerecord);
- $detailstatus = ((!isset($_COOKIE['onlinedetail']) && $onlineinfo[0] < 500) || ($_COOKIE['onlinedetail'] || $showoldetails == 'yes')) && $showoldetails != 'no';
- if($detailstatus) {
- updatesession();
- @include language('actions');
- $whosonline = array();
- $forumname = strip_tags($forum['name']);
- $query = $db->query("SELECT uid, groupid, username, invisible, lastactivity, action FROM $table_sessions WHERE uid>'0' AND fid='$fid' AND invisible='0'");
- if($db->num_rows($query)) {
- $whosonlinestatus = 1;
- while($online = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $online['icon'] = isset($_DCACHE['onlinelist'][$online['groupid']]) ? $_DCACHE['onlinelist'][$online['groupid']] : $_DCACHE['onlinelist'][0];
- $online['action'] = $actioncode[$online['action']];
- $online['lastactivity'] = gmdate($timeformat, $online['lastactivity'] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
- $whosonline[] = $online;
- }
- }
- unset($online);
- }
- } else {
- $whosonlinestatus = 0;
- }
- if($discuz_uid && $newpm) {
- require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/pmprompt.php';
- }
- if(!empty($filter)) {
- $query = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_threads WHERE fid='$fid' $filteradd");
- $threadcount = $db->result($query, 0);
- } else {
- $threadcount = $forum['threads'];
- }
- $multipage = multi($threadcount, $tpp, $page, "forumdisplay.php?fid=$fid$forumdisplayadd");
- $separatepos = 0;
- $threadlist = array();
- $colorarray = array('', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple', 'gray');
- $toptids = '0';
- $topcount = 0;
- if (!$filter && $page == 1) {
- foreach ($_DCACHE['topthreads'] as $topthread) {
- $toptids .= ',' . $topthread['tid'];
- $topcount++;
- }
- }
- if ($topcount) {
- $tfids = '0';
- $tForumArray = array();
- if ($forum['type'] == 'forum') {
- $groupfid = $forum['fup'];
- } elseif ($forum['type'] == 'sub') {
- $groupfid = $_DCACHE['forums'][$forum['fup']]['fup'];
- }
- foreach($_DCACHE['forums'] as $key => $value) {
- if ($value['type'] == 'forum' && $value['fup'] == $groupfid) {
- $tfids .= ','.$key;
- $tForumArray[] = $key;
- }
- }
- foreach($_DCACHE['forums'] as $key => $value) {
- if ($value['type'] == 'sub' && in_array($value['fup'],$tForumArray)) {
- $tfids .= ','.$key;
- }
- }
- $sql = "SELECT t.* FROM $table_threads t
- WHERE tid IN ($toptids)
- AND (t.displayorder=3 OR (t.displayorder=2 AND t.fid IN ($tfids)))
- ORDER BY t.displayorder DESC, t.lastpost DESC";
- $query = $db->query($sql);
- while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- if($thread['attachment']) {
- require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/attachment.php';
- }
- parseThread();
- $threadlist[] = $thread;
- }
- }
- $sql = "SELECT t.* FROM $table_threads t
- WHERE t.fid='$fid' $filteradd
- ORDER BY t.displayorder DESC, t.lastpost $ascdesc
- LIMIT $start_limit, $tpp ";
- $query = $db->query($sql);
- while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- if($thread['attachment']) {
- require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/attachment.php';
- }
- if ($thread['displayorder'] < 2 || !$topcount) {
- parseThread();
- $threadlist[] = $thread;
- }
- }
- $check[$filter] = 'selected="selected"';
- $ascdesc == 'ASC' ? $check['asc'] = 'selected="selected"' : $check['desc'] = 'selected="selected"';
- $forumselect = $forumjump ? forumselect() : NULL;
- $usesigcheck = $signature ? 'checked' : NULL;
- $allowpost = (!$forum['postperm'] && $allowpost) || ($forum['postperm'] && strstr($forum['postperm'], "\t$groupid\t")) || $forum['allowpost'];
- include template('forumdisplay');
- function parseThread() {
- global $thread, $_DCACHE, $postsnum, $ppp, $pagelinks, $topicpages, $string, $colorarray, $dateformat, $timeformat, $timeoffset, $separatepos, $hottopic;
- $thread['icon'] = isset($_DCACHE['icons'][$thread['iconid']]) ? '<img src="'.SMDIR.'/'.$_DCACHE['icons'][$thread['iconid']].'" align="absmiddle">' : ' ';
- $thread['lastposterenc'] = rawurlencode($thread['lastposter']);
- $postsnum = $thread['replies'] + 1;
- if($postsnum > $ppp) {
- $pagelinks = '';
- $topicpages = ceil($postsnum / $ppp);
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $topicpages; $i++) {
- $pagelinks .= "<a href="viewthread.php?tid=$thread[tid]&page=$i&fpage=$page">$i</a> ";
- if($i == 6) {
- $i = $topicpages + 1;
- }
- }
- if($topicpages > 6) {
- $pagelinks .= " .. <a href="viewthread.php?tid=$thread[tid]&page=$topicpages&fpage=$page">$topicpages</a> ";
- }
- $thread['multipage'] = ' ( <img src="'.IMGDIR.'/multipage.gif" align="absmiddle" boader="0"> '.$pagelinks.')';
- } else {
- $thread['multipage'] = '';
- }
- if($thread['highlight']) {
- $string = sprintf('%02d', $thread['highlight']);
- $stylestr = sprintf('%03b', $string[0]);
- $thread['highlight'] = 'style="';
- $thread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[0] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '';
- $thread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[1] ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
- $thread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[2] ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : '';
- $thread['highlight'] .= $string[1] ? 'color: '.$colorarray[$string[1]] : '';
- $thread['highlight'] .= '"';
- } else {
- $thread['highlight'] = '';
- }
- //=====八种自定义参数标题醒目+任意颜色高亮==start==By
- if($thread['xm_hl']) {
- $xm_hl_string=explode(',',$thread['xm_hl']);
- switch($xm_hl_string[0]){
- case 1:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font style="';
- $xm_hl_style .= $xm_hl_string[1] ? 'color: #'.$xm_hl_string[1].'; ' : '';
- $xm_hl_style .= $xm_hl_string[2] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '';
- $xm_hl_style .= $xm_hl_string[3] ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
- $xm_hl_style .= $xm_hl_string[4] ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : '';
- $xm_hl_style .= '">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font>';
- break;
- case 2:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font textcolor1="#'.$xm_hl_string[1].'" textbkcolor1="transparent" textcolor2="#'.$xm_hl_string[2];
- $xm_hl_style .='" textbkcolor2="transparent" speed="'.$xm_hl_string[3].'" letters1="1" letters2="1" pause="'.$xm_hl_string[4];
- $xm_hl_style .='" style="behavior:url(include/;color:#c000c0;background-color:transparent">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font>';
- break;
- case 3:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font textoffset1="'.$xm_hl_string[1].'" textoffset2="'.$xm_hl_string[2];
- $xm_hl_style .='" speed="'.$xm_hl_string[3].'" letters1="1" letters2="1" pause="'.$xm_hl_string[4];
- $xm_hl_style .='" style="behavior:url(include/;color:#FF5500;background-color:transparent">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font>';
- break;
- case 4:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font textcolor="#'.$xm_hl_string[1].'" basesize="12" textsize1="'.$xm_hl_string[2];
- $xm_hl_style .='" textsize2="14" speed="'.$xm_hl_string[3].'" letters1="1" letters2="1" pause="'.$xm_hl_string[4];
- $xm_hl_style .='" style="behavior:url(include/;color:#993300;background-color:transparent;">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font>';
- break;
- case 5:
- $xm_hl_style = '<span style=\'border:solid 1px #'.$xm_hl_string[1].';border-left-width:5px;border-left-color:#'.$xm_hl_string[1];
- $xm_hl_style .=';background:#ffffff;padding:1px 5px 2px 5px;font-size: 8pt\'><font color="#'.$xm_hl_string[2];
- $xm_hl_style .='">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font></span>';
- break;
- case 6:
- $start_str=substr($thread[subject],0,$xm_hl_string[2]);
- $end_str=substr($thread[subject],$xm_hl_string[2]);
- if($xm_hl_string[3])
- $thread[subject] = '<font color="'.$xm_hl_string[1].'">'.$start_str.'</font><font color="'.$xm_hl_string[3].'">'.$end_str.'</font>';
- else
- $thread[subject] = '<font color="'.$xm_hl_string[1].'">'.$start_str.'</font>'.$end_str;
- break;
- case 7:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font style="filter: glow(color=#'.$xm_hl_string[1].',strength='.$xm_hl_string[2];
- $xm_hl_style .='); height:20px; color: #'.$xm_hl_string[3];
- $xm_hl_style .='">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font>';
- break;
- case 8:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font style="filter: shadow(color=#'.$xm_hl_string[1].',direction='.$xm_hl_string[2];
- $xm_hl_style .='); height:20px; color: #'.$xm_hl_string[3];
- $xm_hl_style .='">';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</font>';
- break;
- case 9:
- $xm_hl_style = '<font style="background-color: #'.$xm_hl_string[1].';" color="#'.$xm_hl_string[2].'"><b>';
- $thread[subject]=$xm_hl_style.$thread[subject].'</b></font>';
- break;
- case 10:
- $thread[subject]='<span style="behavior:url(./include/">'.$thread[subject].'</span>';
- break;
- default: $thread[subject]=$thread[subject];
- }
- }
- //=====八种自定义参数标题醒目+任意颜色高亮==end==By lu5266=====================
- if($thread['closed']) {
- $thread['new'] = 0;
- if($thread['closed'] > 1) {
- $thread['moved'] = $thread['tid'];
- $thread['tid'] = $thread['closed'];
- $thread['replies'] = '-';
- $thread['views'] = '-';
- } else {
- $thread['moved'] = 0;
- }
- $thread['folder'] = 'lock_folder.gif';
- } else {
- $thread['folder'] = 'folder.gif';
- if($lastvisit < $thread['lastpost'] && !strstr($_COOKIE['oldtopics'], "\t$thread[tid]\t")) {
- $thread['new'] = 1;
- $thread['folder'] = 'red_'.$thread['folder'];
- } else {
- $thread['new'] = 0;
- }
- if($thread['replies'] > $thread['views']) {
- $thread['views'] = $thread['replies'];
- }
- if($thread['replies'] >= $hottopic) {
- $thread['folder'] = 'hot_'.$thread['folder'];
- }
- }
- if($thread['attachment']) {
- $thread['attachment'] = attachtype($thread['attachment']).' ';
- } else {
- $thread['attachment'] = '';
- }
- //$thread[subject] = cutstr($thread[subject],77);
- $thread['dateline'] = gmdate($dateformat, $thread['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
- $thread['lastpost'] = gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $thread['lastpost'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
- if($thread['displayorder'] > 0) {
- $separatepos++;
- }
- }
- ?>
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