ERR: Error writing file '/tmp/MYnRa4b5' (Errcode: 28)
SQL: SELECT attach.aid, attach.attachment, t.tid, t.fid, t.subject FROM forum_attachment attach INNER JOIN forum_thread t ON t.tid=attach.tid WHERE attach.readperm=0 AND t.displayorder>=0 AND (RIGHT(attach.filename,3)='bmp' OR RIGHT(attach.filename,3)='jpg' OR RIGHT(attach.filename,3)='png') GROUP BY attach.tid ORDER BY attach.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 20
PHP: index.php:0126 -> forum.php:0054 -> source/function/function_core.php:1110 -> source/function/function_core.php:1147 -> source/plugin/thread_list/thread_list.class.php:0082 -> source/class/class_core.php:0837
User: uid=0; IP=; RIP: Request: |