Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
User: admin
Time: 2006-7-9 5:18pm
Script: /viewthread.php
SQL: SELECT p.*, m.uid, m.fam, m.username, m.groupid, m.regdate, m.lastactivity, m.posts, m.digestposts, m.oltime,
m.pageviews, m.credits, m.extcredits1, m.extcredits2, m.extcredits3, m.extcredits4, m.extcredits5, m.extcredits6,
m.extcredits7, m.extcredits8, m.email, m.gender, m.showemail,b.mypetname,b.mypet,b.mypetlevel,b.mypetdead,b.openpk,b.mypethp,b.mypetsp,b.mypetexp,b.mypetsex,b.mypetsx,b.mypetnowmaxhp,b.mypetnowmaxsp,b.petep,b.spf,b.hpf,b.petnowexp,b.petnextlvexp, m.invisible, m.avatarshowid, mf.nickname, mf.site,
mf.icq, mf.qq, mf.yahoo, mf.msn, mf.taobao, mf.alipay, mf.location, mf.medals, mf.avatar, mf.avatarwidth,
mf.avatarheight, mf.sightml AS signature, mf.customstatus
FROM cdb_posts p
LEFT JOIN cdb_members m ON m.uid=p.authorid
LEFT JOIN cdb_memberfields mf ON mf.uid=m.uid
LEFT JOIN cdb_mypetdata b ON b.username=p.author
WHERE p.tid='225' AND p.invisible='0' ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 0, 10
Error: Unknown column 'b.mypetexp' in 'field list'
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