Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
User: 蔚φBlue
Time: 2007-7-5 11:59am
Script: /bbs/plugin.php
SQL: INSERT INTO [Table]gallery (fid, tid, aid, pid, typeid, authorid, author, readperm, price, subject, picture, dateline, views)
VALUES ('30', '10030', '5711', '137137', '0', '2295', '﹎ミ神經↙', '0', '0', '■□' I'm 小黄瓜.又加了一张。!!', 'attachment.php?aid=5711', '1155418377', '884')
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'I'm 小黄瓜.又加了一张。!!', 'attachment.php?aid=5711', '1155418
Errno.: 1064 |