Dvbbs 8.0 access => Discuz! 6.0 转换程序
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XConvert info: MySQL Query Error
Time: 2007-9-22 6:03pm
SQL: INSERT INTO discuz.cdb_attachments (aid, tid, pid, dateline,readperm,price,filename, filetype, filesize, attachment, downloads,description, isimage, uid, thumb, remote)
VALUES ('126753', '36567', '233087', '1171892656', '', '0', 'XccxPKRn.jpg', 'image/pjpeg', '299509', 'dvbbs/2007-2/200721921441614439.jpg', '0', '<a href=http://hoka.xinwen520.net/?stra=%u4E66%u753B%u8BBA%u575B target=\"_blank\', '1', '9321', '0', '0');
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1', '9321', '0', '0')' at line 2
Errormsg.: 可能原因:1.数据超长或类型不匹配;2.数据库记录重复
Errno.: 1064 |